DCS-iSMEs | Design Customized Support for Innovative SMEs

The aim of this specific project is to set up a brand-new innovation support service –a service that will enable both the country make profit out of its investments on SMEs and the SMEs further develop their operations by enhancing the use of Design. Two closed groups will be developed; the first one will be a traditional group of 5 beneficiaries of previously implemented programmes, which will run the common procedure after finishing the implementation of their project –the Comparison Group. This group, just like all those beneficiaries till today, will have no contact/support by our organisation, after finishing their project. The second closed group will make use of the new innovation support scheme. A closed group of 5 SMEs –the “Treatment Group”– will be selected and they will be offered a Design Clinic service, a service that through which, they will fully understand their future challenges and which are their opportunities. They will be also offered some introductory workshops in order to understand the value of Design and its mindset. After the introductory workshops, they will receive a Design Customized Mentoring service –a service through which they will be provided guidance on how to strategically integrate design thinking in their products, services and operations. This is a new innovation support scheme, which seems more than needed. A call for expression of interest will be published targeting to SMEs that have already made use of a financial support programme. After selecting the Treatment Group, the project will directly call SMEs that will be monitored regarding their business indicators, and will not receive the new service, formatting the Comparison Group. This way, the project will assure that the two groups will be equivalent. The project will monitor both groups development rates and will come up with a feasibility study regarding the provision if the specific scheme, which intends to make permanent.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/824216
Start date: 01-10-2019
End date: 30-09-2021
Total budget - Public funding: 60 000,00 Euro - 60 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The aim of this specific project is to set up a brand-new innovation support service –a service that will enable both the country make profit out of its investments on SMEs and the SMEs further develop their operations by enhancing the use of Design. Two closed groups will be developed; the first one will be a traditional group of 5 beneficiaries of previously implemented programmes, which will run the common procedure after finishing the implementation of their project –the Comparison Group. This group, just like all those beneficiaries till today, will have no contact/support by our organisation, after finishing their project. The second closed group will make use of the new innovation support scheme. A closed group of 5 SMEs –the “Treatment Group”– will be selected and they will be offered a Design Clinic service, a service that through which, they will fully understand their future challenges and which are their opportunities. They will be also offered some introductory workshops in order to understand the value of Design and its mindset. After the introductory workshops, they will receive a Design Customized Mentoring service –a service through which they will be provided guidance on how to strategically integrate design thinking in their products, services and operations. This is a new innovation support scheme, which seems more than needed. A call for expression of interest will be published targeting to SMEs that have already made use of a financial support programme. After selecting the Treatment Group, the project will directly call SMEs that will be monitored regarding their business indicators, and will not receive the new service, formatting the Comparison Group. This way, the project will assure that the two groups will be equivalent. The project will monitor both groups development rates and will come up with a feasibility study regarding the provision if the specific scheme, which intends to make permanent.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.3. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Innovation In SMEs
H2020-EU.2.3.2. Specific support
H2020-EU. Enhancing the innovation capacity of SMEs
INNOSUP-06-2018 Supporting experimentation in innovation agencies