SAFETY4WORKERS | Breakthrough for outdoor autonomous heavy machines: Safety-directed collision avoidance system for workers based on UWB radios with performance level

„Worker severely injured on the job by a moving machine!“
- Industrial enterprises worldwide need to avoid such a headline.

Safety at work is a hot topic in industrial companies today. The International Section of the ISSA (International
Social Security Association) on Prevention in the Mining Society formulates the Vision Zero for 2020. A huge
amount of money is invested in prevention, more than 900M€ per year only in Germany. Especially accidents with
mobile machinery are crucial with around 12.000 accidents caused by collisions between construction machine and
pedestrians resulting in an economical loss of 1 billion euro per year only in Germany.

The vision of industrial companies is to deploy autonomous moving machines (AMM) across different application
scenarios. As the area of machine operation can typically not be separated from walking workers, a basic requirement is
that AMMs must detect these persons reliably in the critical danger zone and must be able to react autonomously in
order to avoid fatal collisions. Safety-directed pedestrian recognition is still today’s blocking point for outdoor operations, as
conventional sensors like laser, cameras, radar or ultrasonic fail due to the harsh operational conditions and highly
dynamic changing working environment.

Comnovo is proposing combined active and passive Ultra-Wideband sensors for safety-directed, bi-channel human being detection.

The main objective of phase I of the SAFETY4WORKERS project is to explore the technical feasibility and commercial potential by combining D2SENSE with UWB radar sensors for human being detection to reach a PL. Furthermore, the business plan will be further developed based on the two divers use cases “Charging Cars in Coke Plants” and “Autonomous Mining Systems”, which will be elaborated with support of European partners committed to this project.
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Start date: 01-02-2015
End date: 31-07-2015
Total budget - Public funding: 71 429,00 Euro - 50 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

„Worker severely injured on the job by a moving machine!“
- Industrial enterprises worldwide need to avoid such a headline.

Safety at work is a hot topic in industrial companies today. The International Section of the ISSA (International
Social Security Association) on Prevention in the Mining Society formulates the Vision Zero for 2020. A huge
amount of money is invested in prevention, more than 900M€ per year only in Germany. Especially accidents with
mobile machinery are crucial with around 12.000 accidents caused by collisions between construction machine and
pedestrians resulting in an economical loss of 1 billion euro per year only in Germany.

The vision of industrial companies is to deploy autonomous moving machines (AMM) across different application
scenarios. As the area of machine operation can typically not be separated from walking workers, a basic requirement is
that AMMs must detect these persons reliably in the critical danger zone and must be able to react autonomously in
order to avoid fatal collisions. Safety-directed pedestrian recognition is still today’s blocking point for outdoor operations, as
conventional sensors like laser, cameras, radar or ultrasonic fail due to the harsh operational conditions and highly
dynamic changing working environment.

Comnovo is proposing combined active and passive Ultra-Wideband sensors for safety-directed, bi-channel human being detection.

The main objective of phase I of the SAFETY4WORKERS project is to explore the technical feasibility and commercial potential by combining D2SENSE with UWB radar sensors for human being detection to reach a PL. Furthermore, the business plan will be further developed based on the two divers use cases “Charging Cars in Coke Plants” and “Autonomous Mining Systems”, which will be elaborated with support of European partners committed to this project.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies
H2020-EU.2.1.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
H2020-EU. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - ICT - Cross-cutting calls
ICT-37-2014-1 Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument)
H2020-EU.2.3. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Innovation In SMEs
H2020-EU.2.3.1. Mainstreaming SME support, especially through a dedicated instrument
ICT-37-2014-1 Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument)