WINNING | Emotional and Social Intelligence Analysis Advanced Solution for Business Performance Improvement

Emotional and social intelligence is critical for business productivity but it’s very difficult to assess without managers’ personal bias. Most of inter-personal interactions occur in meetings (35-50% working hours) but nobody can measure their effectiveness without interfering and interrupting, thus lowering their performance. As a result, companies frequently invest in the wrong talents, teams or customers, relying only on “intuition”.
There are some tools for speech analysis but they are all focused on a single speaker. A huge amount of information beyond knowledge (emotional, relational, cultural, etc.) is produced during meetings but there is no way to analyse it.
WINNINGMINDS is a conversation Artificial Intelligence analysis software which captures and analyses discussions and context in real time, under a SaaS model for three customer processes:
- Talent assessment: Who is the fittest talent.
- Management & leadership meetings: Team effectiveness.
- Client/account management meetings: Client’s emotional loyalty.
It identifies work competences and skills, interactions, attitudes, employee wellbeing, level of collective intelligence, how effective a team is working together and its readiness to succeed on a task. It provides Benchmark Reports to compare different performance of groups, topics, meeting formats, etc.
Main benefits for users are:
- Reduce mis-hiring costs (€257k/head failed).
- More customer satisfaction and loyalty (5% = +25-95% profit).
- Increase meeting productivity (20%).
For our company, we expect:
- Consolidate business (our core product).
- International expansion (mostly EU and USA).
- Develop our IP assets and contribution (increase company value).
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Start date: 01-11-2018
End date: 28-02-2019
Total budget - Public funding: 71 429,00 Euro - 50 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Emotional and social intelligence is critical for business productivity but it’s very difficult to assess without managers’ personal bias. Most of inter-personal interactions occur in meetings (35-50% working hours) but nobody can measure their effectiveness without interfering and interrupting, thus lowering their performance. As a result, companies frequently invest in the wrong talents, teams or customers, relying only on “intuition”.
There are some tools for speech analysis but they are all focused on a single speaker. A huge amount of information beyond knowledge (emotional, relational, cultural, etc.) is produced during meetings but there is no way to analyse it.
WINNINGMINDS is a conversation Artificial Intelligence analysis software which captures and analyses discussions and context in real time, under a SaaS model for three customer processes:
- Talent assessment: Who is the fittest talent.
- Management & leadership meetings: Team effectiveness.
- Client/account management meetings: Client’s emotional loyalty.
It identifies work competences and skills, interactions, attitudes, employee wellbeing, level of collective intelligence, how effective a team is working together and its readiness to succeed on a task. It provides Benchmark Reports to compare different performance of groups, topics, meeting formats, etc.
Main benefits for users are:
- Reduce mis-hiring costs (€257k/head failed).
- More customer satisfaction and loyalty (5% = +25-95% profit).
- Increase meeting productivity (20%).
For our company, we expect:
- Consolidate business (our core product).
- International expansion (mostly EU and USA).
- Develop our IP assets and contribution (increase company value).



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