FAIRWORK | FAIRWORK: Building a Fairwork Foundation

Millions of platform workers live all over the world: doing work that is outsourced via platforms or apps in the ‘gig economy.’ Workers tend to have little ability to negotiate wages or working conditions with the platforms that give them work. The ERC GEONET project has shown that, as a result of this new market for work, many workers have jobs characterized by long and irregular hours, low income, and high stress. The international nature of digital work means that some of it can be done outside of the purview of national governments, with few employers paying attention to relevant existing regulation in either their home countries or the worker’s home country. Labour platforms can therefore threaten to undermine workers’ ability to defend existing jobs, liveable wages, and dignified working conditions, in both low and high-income countries. If wages and working conditions for digital workers are to improve, new international strategies need to be devised. This Proof of Concept project will create the beginnings of a ‘Fairwork Foundation.’ It seeks to co-develop fair work principles with key stakeholders, develop methods to assess those principles, and ultimately rate and rank platforms against how they score against the fair work principles.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/838081
Start date: 01-11-2019
End date: 31-10-2021
Total budget - Public funding: 149 776,00 Euro - 149 776,00 Euro
Cordis data

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Millions of platform workers live all over the world: doing work that is outsourced via platforms or apps in the ‘gig economy.’ Workers tend to have little ability to negotiate wages or working conditions with the platforms that give them work. The ERC GEONET project has shown that, as a result of this new market for work, many workers have jobs characterized by long and irregular hours, low income, and high stress. The international nature of digital work means that some of it can be done outside of the purview of national governments, with few employers paying attention to relevant existing regulation in either their home countries or the worker’s home country. Labour platforms can therefore threaten to undermine workers’ ability to defend existing jobs, liveable wages, and dignified working conditions, in both low and high-income countries. If wages and working conditions for digital workers are to improve, new international strategies need to be devised. This Proof of Concept project will create the beginnings of a ‘Fairwork Foundation.’ It seeks to co-develop fair work principles with key stakeholders, develop methods to assess those principles, and ultimately rate and rank platforms against how they score against the fair work principles.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.1.1. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - European Research Council (ERC)