IDEAL DRONE | Use of drones for Emergency management

Firefighters fatalities are increasing worldwide because they are the first entering in damaged buildings or in fire, without knowing the location of victims and the source of danger. The Principal Investigator has invented a system for indoor tracking that is able to detect victims inside buildings after a disaster (earthquake, fire, etc.) using a radio frequency system (UWB) based on fixed nodes (anchors) in the building to detect the location of wearable nodes (tags). The application has been patented (PCT application: n. 102016000109493).
The idea of the project IDEAL DRONE is to install the anchors on an unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) swarm that is flying around the building. The UAVs will be equipped with a customized sensor network so the system will provide indoor localization for managing emergencies without the need to install a structural health monitoring system (SHM) inside the building. Then the health condition and the location of the victims can be plotted in a map, so that rescue operations can be optimized. The goal of the project is to develop the first prototype of the system using a developing board for rapid prototyping and perform an initial market analysis of the system to analyze the impact of this product in the market. After the first prototype the next step will be to redesign all the electrical parts to find the optimal solution between quality and price for each submodule and component of the system.
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Start date: 01-10-2020
End date: 31-03-2022
Total budget - Public funding: - 150 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Firefighters fatalities are increasing worldwide because they are the first entering in damaged buildings or in fire, without knowing the location of victims and the source of danger. The Principal Investigator has invented a system for indoor tracking that is able to detect victims inside buildings after a disaster (earthquake, fire, etc.) using a radio frequency system (UWB) based on fixed nodes (anchors) in the building to detect the location of wearable nodes (tags). The application has been patented (PCT application: n. 102016000109493).
The idea of the project IDEAL DRONE is to install the anchors on an unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) swarm that is flying around the building. The UAVs will be equipped with a customized sensor network so the system will provide indoor localization for managing emergencies without the need to install a structural health monitoring system (SHM) inside the building. Then the health condition and the location of the victims can be plotted in a map, so that rescue operations can be optimized. The goal of the project is to develop the first prototype of the system using a developing board for rapid prototyping and perform an initial market analysis of the system to analyze the impact of this product in the market. After the first prototype the next step will be to redesign all the electrical parts to find the optimal solution between quality and price for each submodule and component of the system.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.1.1. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - European Research Council (ERC)