SmartAge | Gut-brain-axis: Targets for improvement of cognition in the elderly

In Europe, the population is aging. The age-associated decline in cognitive functions represents a serious social and medical
problem. Recent studies show that changes in lifestyle such as physical activity and nutritional interventions – even late in
life –are beneficial for cognition. The microbiome in the gut is a central effector in the maintenance of brain plasticity and
therefore represents a promising target as well as sensor for interventions that aim to improve cognitive ability in the elderly.
Detailed and concise scientific investigations of gut-brain interactions, in particular in the elderly, are limited. Such studies
require a multidisciplinary approach and a combination of experts from various fields. The aim of our network is to train a
new generation of young scientists within a multidisciplinary consortium. The ESRs will engage in individual and well
defined, jointly supervised research projects, securing excellent career perspectives and employability. By enabling ESRs to
design and conduct studies in this economically and socially important field, SmartAge will elucidate the role of the
microbiome-gut-brain axis in aging and its impact on cognition. SmartAge will apply a translational approach combining
animal and human studies, nutritional and life style interventions, cognitive tests, brain imaging, cutting edge OMICS and
systems biology as well as fecal transfer as proof of principle to identify key regulators of gut-brain communication with the
aim to develop microbiome-based therapies. An expert team of scientists from both academia and industry such as clinicians, psychologists, nutritionists, biotechnologists and bioinformaticians will closely collaborate to strengthen
microbiome research in aging which will have a direct impact on cognitive health in Europe. Specialists for public
communication outreach will ensure effective and efficient transfer of outcomes to policy makers and into the everyday life of
the European population.
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Start date: 01-09-2020
End date: 28-02-2025
Total budget - Public funding: 3 946 980,96 Euro - 3 946 980,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

In Europe, the population is aging. The age-associated decline in cognitive functions represents a serious social and medical
problem. Recent studies show that changes in lifestyle such as physical activity and nutritional interventions – even late in
life –are beneficial for cognition. The microbiome in the gut is a central effector in the maintenance of brain plasticity and
therefore represents a promising target as well as sensor for interventions that aim to improve cognitive ability in the elderly.
Detailed and concise scientific investigations of gut-brain interactions, in particular in the elderly, are limited. Such studies
require a multidisciplinary approach and a combination of experts from various fields. The aim of our network is to train a
new generation of young scientists within a multidisciplinary consortium. The ESRs will engage in individual and well
defined, jointly supervised research projects, securing excellent career perspectives and employability. By enabling ESRs to
design and conduct studies in this economically and socially important field, SmartAge will elucidate the role of the
microbiome-gut-brain axis in aging and its impact on cognition. SmartAge will apply a translational approach combining
animal and human studies, nutritional and life style interventions, cognitive tests, brain imaging, cutting edge OMICS and
systems biology as well as fecal transfer as proof of principle to identify key regulators of gut-brain communication with the
aim to develop microbiome-based therapies. An expert team of scientists from both academia and industry such as clinicians, psychologists, nutritionists, biotechnologists and bioinformaticians will closely collaborate to strengthen
microbiome research in aging which will have a direct impact on cognitive health in Europe. Specialists for public
communication outreach will ensure effective and efficient transfer of outcomes to policy makers and into the everyday life of
the European population.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.1.3. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
H2020-EU.1.3.1. Fostering new skills by means of excellent initial training of researchers