Trans-PLANT | Transformational uses of dye Plants on Linear B tablets. New approaches to cultural identity and technologies in the Bronze Age Aegean

At the cutting-edge of the scientific scene for their being the first written attestations from Europe, Bronze Age Aegean scripts are crucial to define the linguistic roots of Europe. To achieve this, Linear B is the key area to analyse since it is the only Aegean script embedding elements of different cultures and origins. My research takes on the first systematic study of Bronze Age Aegean cultural identities by way of a very telling case study: processes transforming dyeing plants into finished goods (dyed textiles and perfumes). My aim is to show how the knowledge coming from the transformational uses of dyeing plants transcends how the final product is perceived visually to address what is being communicated culturally. Also, this study will provide ground-breaking information for the history of dyeing processes and bring new data to the use of natural and renewable resources, one of today’s most relevant and timely challenges. It will also implement studies on gender by examining the social construction of gender identities through dyed goods. This project will bring together Mycenaean studies and Indo-European linguistic perspectives and methods, material culture studies and Aegean epigraphy expertise, experimental textile archaeological knowledge and ancient technologies awareness to develop new understandings of linguistic and cultural interactions. I will complete this project in a leading multi-disciplinary research team, with solid scientific expertise and a worldwide network in the topics involved. I will bring philological and linguistic skills that will facilitate research in the group and the transfer of ideas. The proposed work will expand my experience, research competencies, and professional networks. The training and the knowledge transfer as well as the new soft skills I will acquire will be the winning combination for achieving the goals of my project and enhancing the development of my career as an independent researcher.
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Start date: 01-08-2021
End date: 16-10-2024
Total budget - Public funding: 207 312,00 Euro - 207 312,00 Euro
Cordis data

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At the cutting-edge of the scientific scene for their being the first written attestations from Europe, Bronze Age Aegean scripts are crucial to define the linguistic roots of Europe. To achieve this, Linear B is the key area to analyse since it is the only Aegean script embedding elements of different cultures and origins. My research takes on the first systematic study of Bronze Age Aegean cultural identities by way of a very telling case study: processes transforming dyeing plants into finished goods (dyed textiles and perfumes). My aim is to show how the knowledge coming from the transformational uses of dyeing plants transcends how the final product is perceived visually to address what is being communicated culturally. Also, this study will provide ground-breaking information for the history of dyeing processes and bring new data to the use of natural and renewable resources, one of today’s most relevant and timely challenges. It will also implement studies on gender by examining the social construction of gender identities through dyed goods. This project will bring together Mycenaean studies and Indo-European linguistic perspectives and methods, material culture studies and Aegean epigraphy expertise, experimental textile archaeological knowledge and ancient technologies awareness to develop new understandings of linguistic and cultural interactions. I will complete this project in a leading multi-disciplinary research team, with solid scientific expertise and a worldwide network in the topics involved. I will bring philological and linguistic skills that will facilitate research in the group and the transfer of ideas. The proposed work will expand my experience, research competencies, and professional networks. The training and the knowledge transfer as well as the new soft skills I will acquire will be the winning combination for achieving the goals of my project and enhancing the development of my career as an independent researcher.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.1.3. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
H2020-EU.1.3.2. Nurturing excellence by means of cross-border and cross-sector mobility
MSCA-IF-2020 Individual Fellowships