NeT-HiDeA | New Times at Work. Rethinking History and Politics through Delay and Anticipation

Using together elements from contemporary French philosophy (Sartre) and arguments from the German Marxist tradition (Bloch), the project proposes an innovative philosophical approach to investigate the relationship between the concepts of time, history, and historicity. The aims of the proposal are: mapping the sociological, anthropological and historiographical analyses that deal with reconfiguration of social temporality, alternatives both to the progress/future perfect logic and to presentism; setting a new conceptual apparatus for the articulation of the categories of delay and anticipation, to establish a differential and stratified conception of socio-historical time; facing time as a social phenomenon, putting this new conceptual apparatus in friction with the experiences of time in the contemporary world of work.
The main output of the research will be to transform the instruments for the analysis of social times in operators for a political historiography inseparably connected to effective emancipatory practices.
The main outcome of the research will be to produce conceptual instruments appropriate to understand the complex temporal structures of late capitalism, clarifying their relation with contemporary labour and social movements.
The originality and innovation of the project for Historical and Social Sciences, Political Philosophy and Political Theory lies in a new critical approach to the intelligibility of history, adequate to understand the socio-political dynamics in our times.
The action will be conducted together with two distinguished Research Centers: the MAP-University of Liège (BE) and the HistCon-University of Santa Cruz (CA-USA). The action will construct a fruitful collaboration between the Centers and will be a great opportunity for the researcher’s career in European Universities.
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Start date: 01-01-2020
End date: 31-12-2022
Total budget - Public funding: 248 425,92 Euro - 248 425,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Using together elements from contemporary French philosophy (Sartre) and arguments from the German Marxist tradition (Bloch), the project proposes an innovative philosophical approach to investigate the relationship between the concepts of time, history, and historicity. The aims of the proposal are: mapping the sociological, anthropological and historiographical analyses that deal with reconfiguration of social temporality, alternatives both to the progress/future perfect logic and to presentism; setting a new conceptual apparatus for the articulation of the categories of delay and anticipation, to establish a differential and stratified conception of socio-historical time; facing time as a social phenomenon, putting this new conceptual apparatus in friction with the experiences of time in the contemporary world of work.
The main output of the research will be to transform the instruments for the analysis of social times in operators for a political historiography inseparably connected to effective emancipatory practices.
The main outcome of the research will be to produce conceptual instruments appropriate to understand the complex temporal structures of late capitalism, clarifying their relation with contemporary labour and social movements.
The originality and innovation of the project for Historical and Social Sciences, Political Philosophy and Political Theory lies in a new critical approach to the intelligibility of history, adequate to understand the socio-political dynamics in our times.
The action will be conducted together with two distinguished Research Centers: the MAP-University of Liège (BE) and the HistCon-University of Santa Cruz (CA-USA). The action will construct a fruitful collaboration between the Centers and will be a great opportunity for the researcher’s career in European Universities.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.1.3. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
H2020-EU.1.3.2. Nurturing excellence by means of cross-border and cross-sector mobility