ZES | opportunity Zones for innovation EcosystemS governance

The aim of the ZES (opportunity Zones for innovation EcosystemS governance) project is to build a logical framework for prioritizing public choices at city level towards innovation ecosystem (IEs) rationale. The proposal, moves forward the results of the MAPS-LED project (Horizon2020 – MSCA-RISE), which pointed out how urban planning in particular advanced contexts spurs IEs towards physical transformation of urban settlements in order to make the place more suitable for sharing knowledge and allowing innovation dynamics. The proposal intends to build and experiment an evaluation process framework able to support the making decision process in urban context, inasmuch as to create/empower a local IEs, closely connected with the specific assets/values of the urban context. The ZES project will focus on the Boston (US) area (Boston, Cambridge) as exploratory case furthering the investigations of the MAPSLED project, and focusing on IEs assets, governance models/structures and decision- making processes. Investigations will focus on the Boston IE addressing: innovation-oriented policies centered on IEs and their assessment frameworks; the dynamics mapping of IEs assets; the assessment of IEs assets with respect the urban context and the elaboration of an IEs evaluation framework to create/empower local IEs The results of the mapping and assessing activity will constitute the basic information to built up the IEs assessment/evaluation framework and the Smart and Open Dashboard able to support policy-makers and community-based organization in deepening the knowledge of the context and trigger its potentials for the implementation of S3 at local level through place-based and tailored urban comprehensive policies. Such process will strengthen the urban dimension of S3 multiplying the effects of RIS3, strengthening the bridge between regional and local policies and favoring the monitoring phase of the strategy adopted.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/846144
Start date: 01-10-2019
End date: 30-09-2022
Total budget - Public funding: 269 002,56 Euro - 269 002,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The aim of the ZES (opportunity Zones for innovation EcosystemS governance) project is to build a logical framework for prioritizing public choices at city level towards innovation ecosystem (IEs) rationale. The proposal, moves forward the results of the MAPS-LED project (Horizon2020 – MSCA-RISE), which pointed out how urban planning in particular advanced contexts spurs IEs towards physical transformation of urban settlements in order to make the place more suitable for sharing knowledge and allowing innovation dynamics. The proposal intends to build and experiment an evaluation process framework able to support the making decision process in urban context, inasmuch as to create/empower a local IEs, closely connected with the specific assets/values of the urban context. The ZES project will focus on the Boston (US) area (Boston, Cambridge) as exploratory case furthering the investigations of the MAPSLED project, and focusing on IEs assets, governance models/structures and decision- making processes. Investigations will focus on the Boston IE addressing: innovation-oriented policies centered on IEs and their assessment frameworks; the dynamics mapping of IEs assets; the assessment of IEs assets with respect the urban context and the elaboration of an IEs evaluation framework to create/empower local IEs The results of the mapping and assessing activity will constitute the basic information to built up the IEs assessment/evaluation framework and the Smart and Open Dashboard able to support policy-makers and community-based organization in deepening the knowledge of the context and trigger its potentials for the implementation of S3 at local level through place-based and tailored urban comprehensive policies. Such process will strengthen the urban dimension of S3 multiplying the effects of RIS3, strengthening the bridge between regional and local policies and favoring the monitoring phase of the strategy adopted.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.1.3. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
H2020-EU.1.3.2. Nurturing excellence by means of cross-border and cross-sector mobility