papabuild | Advanced physical-acoustic and psycho-acoustic diagnostic methods for innovation in building acoustics

"As clearly stated in report no. 10/2014 ""Noise in Europe 2014"" by the European Environment Agency, noise pollution is a major environmental health problem in Europe, yet the lack of comparable common assessment methods causes significant inconsistencies in exposure estimates of people affected by noise. However, in the past few years building acoustics has been influenced by evolution issues in terms of new acoustics requirements focused on sound insulation at low frequencies (reflected in proposals in the ISO 140 family), and by improving the single-number quantities (ISO 717) which would correlate better with subjective perception of sounds transmitted through building structures.
The proposed project aims at (1) improving the diagnostic methods for more precise determination of physical properties of building elements (ISO140), (2) involving subjective assessment of sound insulation to help propose a suitable single number quantity (ISO 717), and (3) enabling sustainable product innovation as the result of improved diagnostic methods.
First and foremost, novel acoustic measuring techniques, specifically, Laser Scanning Vibrometry and acoustic cameras, will be applied for developing novel diagnostic procedures. Second, noise perception tests will be developed using advanced, full 3D sound field recreation techniques. Single number quantities will be proposed to reflect perceived annoyance by noise, with the extension to low-frequency range
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Start date: 01-02-2016
End date: 31-01-2020
Total budget - Public funding: 679 500,00 Euro - 679 500,00 Euro
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"As clearly stated in report no. 10/2014 ""Noise in Europe 2014"" by the European Environment Agency, noise pollution is a major environmental health problem in Europe, yet the lack of comparable common assessment methods causes significant inconsistencies in exposure estimates of people affected by noise. However, in the past few years building acoustics has been influenced by evolution issues in terms of new acoustics requirements focused on sound insulation at low frequencies (reflected in proposals in the ISO 140 family), and by improving the single-number quantities (ISO 717) which would correlate better with subjective perception of sounds transmitted through building structures.
The proposed project aims at (1) improving the diagnostic methods for more precise determination of physical properties of building elements (ISO140), (2) involving subjective assessment of sound insulation to help propose a suitable single number quantity (ISO 717), and (3) enabling sustainable product innovation as the result of improved diagnostic methods.
First and foremost, novel acoustic measuring techniques, specifically, Laser Scanning Vibrometry and acoustic cameras, will be applied for developing novel diagnostic procedures. Second, noise perception tests will be developed using advanced, full 3D sound field recreation techniques. Single number quantities will be proposed to reflect perceived annoyance by noise, with the extension to low-frequency range



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