uHeart | A beating Heart-on-Chip for pre-clinical early detection of drugs cardiac safety

The cost to develop new drugs is huge, mainly due to the failure rate in the drug discovery process. Current in vitro models
are too simplistic, owing to limited prediction of systemic side-effects of molecules, e.g. cardiotoxicity. On the other hand, in
vivo models, far more complex, provide responses to drugs often different from those found in humans.
Furthermore, recent legislation about 3R principle (i.e. Directive 2010/63/EU) is encouraging Pharma industry towards the
search for methods alternative to animal testing. In this scenario, the demand for innovative in vitro tools able to predict
cardiotoxicity already in the pre-clinical phase is urgent. To address this need BiomimX is developing uHeart. uHeart is a
miniaturized model of human heart, responding to drugs likewise the natural heart. Our patented technologies allow the
generation of fully-mature cardiac tissues, providing 3D cardiac cells with a mechanical training resembling the heart
beating. uHeart is the only tool currently available featuring such a high level of specificity in replicating heart responses, and
thanks to its micrometer scale it comes with a huge saving in terms of costs and analysis time. BiomimX is currently
validating uHeart as a predictor of cardiac drug safety in early stages of the pre-clinical phase. BiomimX targets the market
of Pharma and CRO that will use uHeart as innovative tool to screen the cardiotoxicity of putative new molecules, saving
time and money for drug development. Thanks to this innovation project, BiomimX will complete both technical and freedom
to operate analyses for uHeart. In the meanwhile, a roll-out phase will be carried out with ten potential customers. At the end
of Phase I, uHeart is expected to reach a TRL7. A refined business plan will allow BiomimX to negotiate a round A
investment, estimated around 2.5M€, pivotal to launch uHeart on the market of Pharma within the next three years.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/888726
Start date: 01-12-2019
End date: 29-02-2020
Total budget - Public funding: 71 429,00 Euro - 50 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The cost to develop new drugs is huge, mainly due to the failure rate in the drug discovery process. Current in vitro models
are too simplistic, owing to limited prediction of systemic side-effects of molecules, e.g. cardiotoxicity. On the other hand, in
vivo models, far more complex, provide responses to drugs often different from those found in humans.
Furthermore, recent legislation about 3R principle (i.e. Directive 2010/63/EU) is encouraging Pharma industry towards the
search for methods alternative to animal testing. In this scenario, the demand for innovative in vitro tools able to predict
cardiotoxicity already in the pre-clinical phase is urgent. To address this need BiomimX is developing uHeart. uHeart is a
miniaturized model of human heart, responding to drugs likewise the natural heart. Our patented technologies allow the
generation of fully-mature cardiac tissues, providing 3D cardiac cells with a mechanical training resembling the heart
beating. uHeart is the only tool currently available featuring such a high level of specificity in replicating heart responses, and
thanks to its micrometer scale it comes with a huge saving in terms of costs and analysis time. BiomimX is currently
validating uHeart as a predictor of cardiac drug safety in early stages of the pre-clinical phase. BiomimX targets the market
of Pharma and CRO that will use uHeart as innovative tool to screen the cardiotoxicity of putative new molecules, saving
time and money for drug development. Thanks to this innovation project, BiomimX will complete both technical and freedom
to operate analyses for uHeart. In the meanwhile, a roll-out phase will be carried out with ten potential customers. At the end
of Phase I, uHeart is expected to reach a TRL7. A refined business plan will allow BiomimX to negotiate a round A
investment, estimated around 2.5M€, pivotal to launch uHeart on the market of Pharma within the next three years.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.2.1. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies
H2020-EU.2.1.0. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - Cross-cutting calls
H2020-EU.2.3. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Innovation In SMEs
H2020-EU.2.3.0. INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Innovation In SMEs - Cross-cutting calls
H2020-EU.3.0. Cross-cutting call topics