OXYTRAIN | Harnessing the power of enzymatic oxygen activation

For the selective and effective incorporation of oxygen into biological molecules (oxygenation reaction), several enzyme types have evolved in nature. They catalyse crucial reactions in various metabolic routes. The chemistry feasible with these biocatalysts is unrivalled when compared with conventional chemical methods. Therefore, these oxygenating enzymes are very promising tools in biotechnological approaches. However, when compared with other enzyme classes, such as hydrolases, oxygenases are still in their infancy considering their biotechnological potential. To fully exploit the catalytic power of oxygenases, several hurdles have to be taken for which a higher level of knowledge on these enzymes is needed while also technical aspects have to be solved.

The European Training Network (ETN) OXYTRAIN is a joint academic/non-academic training initiative supporting the convergence of biochemistry, enzyme engineering and biotechnology. The consortium's mutual goal is developing a new generation of innovative and entrepreneurial early stage researchers (ESRs) to satisfy the need for knowledge and skills to produce and apply oxidative enzymes. This will be achieved by setting up a network and intersectoral programme in which multiple disciplines will be integrated and exploited. By bringing together 7 academic beneficiaries that are experts in the field of individual oxygenase groups, the network will provide perfect conditions for cross-fertilization of knowledge, while the 3 industrial beneficiaries and 5 partner organisations will add to the consortium by translating the generated knowledge into real industrial applications, such as textiles, pharmaceuticals and biorefineries.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/722390
Start date: 01-01-2017
End date: 31-03-2021
Total budget - Public funding: 3 076 435,64 Euro - 3 076 435,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

For the selective and effective incorporation of oxygen into biological molecules (oxygenation reaction), several enzyme types have evolved in nature. They catalyse crucial reactions in various metabolic routes. The chemistry feasible with these biocatalysts is unrivalled when compared with conventional chemical methods. Therefore, these oxygenating enzymes are very promising tools in biotechnological approaches. However, when compared with other enzyme classes, such as hydrolases, oxygenases are still in their infancy considering their biotechnological potential. To fully exploit the catalytic power of oxygenases, several hurdles have to be taken for which a higher level of knowledge on these enzymes is needed while also technical aspects have to be solved.

The European Training Network (ETN) OXYTRAIN is a joint academic/non-academic training initiative supporting the convergence of biochemistry, enzyme engineering and biotechnology. The consortium's mutual goal is developing a new generation of innovative and entrepreneurial early stage researchers (ESRs) to satisfy the need for knowledge and skills to produce and apply oxidative enzymes. This will be achieved by setting up a network and intersectoral programme in which multiple disciplines will be integrated and exploited. By bringing together 7 academic beneficiaries that are experts in the field of individual oxygenase groups, the network will provide perfect conditions for cross-fertilization of knowledge, while the 3 industrial beneficiaries and 5 partner organisations will add to the consortium by translating the generated knowledge into real industrial applications, such as textiles, pharmaceuticals and biorefineries.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.1.3. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
H2020-EU.1.3.1. Fostering new skills by means of excellent initial training of researchers