FastoSpintrolux | Fast and Nanoscale Spin Control via Single Flux Quanta in Superconductors

Quantum control of spin qubit plays a key role in spintronics, quantum sensing and quantum information processing. The spin control rate determines the quantum state fidelity and the accuracy in quantum sensing, and thus needs to be enhanced for many applications. Meanwhile, building scalable quantum technology often involves densely distributed qubits, which requires the feasibility of addressing individual spins with high spatial resolution. In order to cope with the growing demand for the operational rate and spatial precision, the experienced researcher proposes to use single flux quanta (Abrikosov vortices) in superconductors to individually address the electronic spin of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers with far-field optics. Optical manipulation of single vortices like optical tweezers enable the nanoscale addressability of individual spins. By rapidly passing a vortex and its strong field through the spin target, he aims at swiftly tuning the spin resonance and coherently driving spin transitions with gigahertz rate. This proposal opens new possibilities of exploring the coupling between mesoscopic flux quanta and single qubits, and provides a promising method for efficiently entangling multiple spins via optically driven Abrikosov vortices.
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Start date: 14-10-2020
End date: 13-10-2022
Total budget - Public funding: 196 707,84 Euro - 196 707,00 Euro
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Quantum control of spin qubit plays a key role in spintronics, quantum sensing and quantum information processing. The spin control rate determines the quantum state fidelity and the accuracy in quantum sensing, and thus needs to be enhanced for many applications. Meanwhile, building scalable quantum technology often involves densely distributed qubits, which requires the feasibility of addressing individual spins with high spatial resolution. In order to cope with the growing demand for the operational rate and spatial precision, the experienced researcher proposes to use single flux quanta (Abrikosov vortices) in superconductors to individually address the electronic spin of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers with far-field optics. Optical manipulation of single vortices like optical tweezers enable the nanoscale addressability of individual spins. By rapidly passing a vortex and its strong field through the spin target, he aims at swiftly tuning the spin resonance and coherently driving spin transitions with gigahertz rate. This proposal opens new possibilities of exploring the coupling between mesoscopic flux quanta and single qubits, and provides a promising method for efficiently entangling multiple spins via optically driven Abrikosov vortices.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.1.3. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
H2020-EU.1.3.2. Nurturing excellence by means of cross-border and cross-sector mobility