TOPOCIRCUS | Simulations of Topological Phases in Superconducting Circuits

The discovery of topological order characterising novel exotic phases of matter has generated a breakthrough in the comprehension of complex condensed matter phases. Topological invariants entirely determine the behaviour of certain observables and confer to the systems a strong robustness to perturbations. Going beyond condensed matter states, topological order can be engineered in different setups that can benefit form it and represent alternative platform for the simulation of exotic topological phases. One of the most promising candidate for such a plan is represented by superconducting circuits based on the Josephson effect. The present proposal aims at studying the interconnections between the topological notion and the Josephson effect and to propose superconducting circuits as a platform for the simulation and manipulation of novel topological phases of matter.
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Start date: 16-09-2019
End date: 15-09-2022
Total budget - Public funding: 251 002,56 Euro - 251 002,00 Euro
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The discovery of topological order characterising novel exotic phases of matter has generated a breakthrough in the comprehension of complex condensed matter phases. Topological invariants entirely determine the behaviour of certain observables and confer to the systems a strong robustness to perturbations. Going beyond condensed matter states, topological order can be engineered in different setups that can benefit form it and represent alternative platform for the simulation of exotic topological phases. One of the most promising candidate for such a plan is represented by superconducting circuits based on the Josephson effect. The present proposal aims at studying the interconnections between the topological notion and the Josephson effect and to propose superconducting circuits as a platform for the simulation and manipulation of novel topological phases of matter.



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