ENZYME-SWITCHES | Enzyme-conjugated DNA nanoswitches for biosensing applications

WHY: Diagnostic markers detection plays a crucial role in the diagnosis of human disorders. Unfortunately, however, current methods routinely used for the detection of these biomarkers still require sophisticated equipment, washing intensive, reagent-intensive multi-step processes. In attempt to overcome the cited limitations, the development of platforms supporting the sensitive, specific, rapid and easy to use measurement for several diagnostic biomarkers, directly in real samples, is urgently needed.

WHAT: ENZYME-SWITCHES is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary programme with the principal aim to develop a new generation of enzyme-based biosensors that could prove transformative for diagnostic applications. To achieve this goal, I will join the high specificity and sensitivity of enzymes, and the high programmability and versatility of synthetic responsive DNA nanodevices to develop DNA-conjugated enzymes able to provide sensitive detection of a wide range of diagnostic markers.

HOW: This challenging objective will be reached thanks to the multidisciplinary and complementary approach of the outgoing and incoming research groups. I will join the expertise of Prof. Plaxco (outgoing supervisor) in molecular biology, enzymes, biosensor technology, bioengineering device and biophysic with that of Prof. Ricci (incoming supervisor) in the DNA-Nanotechnology field, analytical chemistry and electrochemistry to optimize the proposed new biosensors platform.

I have already a promising research profile demonstrated by a strong publication track-record, by several awards received and by fruitful international mobility. Thanks to this MSC Fellowship, I will further strengthen my CV and diversify my scientific knowledge acquiring cutting-edge competences as well as complementary skills, which will boost my scientific independence and my future career.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/896962
Start date: 01-10-2020
End date: 30-09-2022
Total budget - Public funding: 168 369,60 Euro - 168 369,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

WHY: Diagnostic markers detection plays a crucial role in the diagnosis of human disorders. Unfortunately, however, current methods routinely used for the detection of these biomarkers still require sophisticated equipment, washing intensive, reagent-intensive multi-step processes. In attempt to overcome the cited limitations, the development of platforms supporting the sensitive, specific, rapid and easy to use measurement for several diagnostic biomarkers, directly in real samples, is urgently needed.

WHAT: ENZYME-SWITCHES is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary programme with the principal aim to develop a new generation of enzyme-based biosensors that could prove transformative for diagnostic applications. To achieve this goal, I will join the high specificity and sensitivity of enzymes, and the high programmability and versatility of synthetic responsive DNA nanodevices to develop DNA-conjugated enzymes able to provide sensitive detection of a wide range of diagnostic markers.

HOW: This challenging objective will be reached thanks to the multidisciplinary and complementary approach of the outgoing and incoming research groups. I will join the expertise of Prof. Plaxco (outgoing supervisor) in molecular biology, enzymes, biosensor technology, bioengineering device and biophysic with that of Prof. Ricci (incoming supervisor) in the DNA-Nanotechnology field, analytical chemistry and electrochemistry to optimize the proposed new biosensors platform.

I have already a promising research profile demonstrated by a strong publication track-record, by several awards received and by fruitful international mobility. Thanks to this MSC Fellowship, I will further strengthen my CV and diversify my scientific knowledge acquiring cutting-edge competences as well as complementary skills, which will boost my scientific independence and my future career.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.1.3. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
H2020-EU.1.3.2. Nurturing excellence by means of cross-border and cross-sector mobility