DIPHORES | Pore-scale simulations to study the interaction of DIffusioPHORESis, flow and transport through porous media

Flow containing suspended colloidal particles is found in a multitude of situations. Unexpected particle dynamics occur in the presence of local solute concentration gradients, due to cooperating and competing effects of particle migration driven by the solute gradients and advection. This particle migration, referred to as diffusiophoresis, is often accompanied by diffusioosmosis in which the solute gradients impose slip flows over solid surfaces. Recent investigations have shown that it is possible to achieve rapid particle focusing in micro-geometries by manipulating the properties of the solute, particle and flow, as well as the surface chemistry and configuration. This can be exploited for a plethora of applications.

Most potential applications involve flow through porous media. Approaches for modelling flow through porous media at the Darcy scale are well established today, but their extension to introduce diffusiophoretic and diffusioosmotic net effects is not straight-forward, owing to their dependence on local effects at the pore scale. The combined study of diffusiophoresis and pore-scale flow dynamics has not been attempted to date. DIPHORES aims to carry out pore-scale simulations to study the interaction of diffusiophoresis and flow through porous media. The project activities include (a) development and implementation of a diffusiophoretic model a finite element code, (b) 2D and 3D pore-scale simulations and (c) upscaling of dynamics to the Darcy scale.

The project will be conducted at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), with an internationally leading expertise in pore-scale simulations. Secondment at Université de Lausanne (UNIL) is aimed towards defining test cases to be reproduced experimentally in micromodels. Secondment at Repsol S. A., an energy company, is aimed to assess the potential of the research topic towards a practical application.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/895569
Start date: 01-08-2020
End date: 31-07-2022
Total budget - Public funding: 172 932,48 Euro - 172 932,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Flow containing suspended colloidal particles is found in a multitude of situations. Unexpected particle dynamics occur in the presence of local solute concentration gradients, due to cooperating and competing effects of particle migration driven by the solute gradients and advection. This particle migration, referred to as diffusiophoresis, is often accompanied by diffusioosmosis in which the solute gradients impose slip flows over solid surfaces. Recent investigations have shown that it is possible to achieve rapid particle focusing in micro-geometries by manipulating the properties of the solute, particle and flow, as well as the surface chemistry and configuration. This can be exploited for a plethora of applications.

Most potential applications involve flow through porous media. Approaches for modelling flow through porous media at the Darcy scale are well established today, but their extension to introduce diffusiophoretic and diffusioosmotic net effects is not straight-forward, owing to their dependence on local effects at the pore scale. The combined study of diffusiophoresis and pore-scale flow dynamics has not been attempted to date. DIPHORES aims to carry out pore-scale simulations to study the interaction of diffusiophoresis and flow through porous media. The project activities include (a) development and implementation of a diffusiophoretic model a finite element code, (b) 2D and 3D pore-scale simulations and (c) upscaling of dynamics to the Darcy scale.

The project will be conducted at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), with an internationally leading expertise in pore-scale simulations. Secondment at Université de Lausanne (UNIL) is aimed towards defining test cases to be reproduced experimentally in micromodels. Secondment at Repsol S. A., an energy company, is aimed to assess the potential of the research topic towards a practical application.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.1.3. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
H2020-EU.1.3.2. Nurturing excellence by means of cross-border and cross-sector mobility