POLONEZ BIS | Postdoctoral Fellowships in Poland to Boost International Mobility and Skills Training

POLONEZ BIS is a postdoctoral Fellowship Programme addressed to excellent experienced researchers interested in developing their professional skills within the stimulating environment of best research institutions in Poland. Open to candidates of any research background, discipline or nationality, the programme plans to recruit 120 scientists with a PhD degree or equivalent research experience, in 3 globally advertised calls. Selected in a transparent, merit-based evaluation process based on international peer-review, the fellows will be offered 2-year full-time employment contracts to work on projects combining basic research with a cross-sectoral secondment phase. Fellows will be independent in designing their own career development plan and will collaborate with outstanding supervisors at an academic or non-academic host institution of their choice. The programme guarantees excellent working conditions inclusive of a generous salary (€ 53,5 K a year, gross), an annual research grant (€ 50 K) and a comprehensive Research Leaders’ Training Programme enhancing both research-related and transferable skills.

POLONEZ BIS will be managed by the National Science Centre (NCN), a government agency with over 8-years of experience in funding curiosity-driven research in Poland. To strengthen the programme’s impact, NCN will involve 4 project partner organisations: Careers Research and Advisory Centre to reinforce the fellows’ potential for professional development, Startup HUB Poland to provide insight into the non-academic sector and match fellows with appropriate secondment institutions, Polish Women Scientists Network to conduct Responsible Research and Innovation training as well as support fellows in communication of research results to the general public and the Interdisciplinary Center for Mathematical and Computational Modelling to advise on the choice of appropriate Open Access and Open Data tools to disseminate research results to the scientific community.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/945339
Start date: 01-06-2021
End date: 31-05-2026
Total budget - Public funding: 17 654 400,00 Euro - 8 827 200,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

POLONEZ BIS is a postdoctoral Fellowship Programme addressed to excellent experienced researchers interested in developing their professional skills within the stimulating environment of best research institutions in Poland. Open to candidates of any research background, discipline or nationality, the programme plans to recruit 120 scientists with a PhD degree or equivalent research experience, in 3 globally advertised calls. Selected in a transparent, merit-based evaluation process based on international peer-review, the fellows will be offered 2-year full-time employment contracts to work on projects combining basic research with a cross-sectoral secondment phase. Fellows will be independent in designing their own career development plan and will collaborate with outstanding supervisors at an academic or non-academic host institution of their choice. The programme guarantees excellent working conditions inclusive of a generous salary (€ 53,5 K a year, gross), an annual research grant (€ 50 K) and a comprehensive Research Leaders’ Training Programme enhancing both research-related and transferable skills.

POLONEZ BIS will be managed by the National Science Centre (NCN), a government agency with over 8-years of experience in funding curiosity-driven research in Poland. To strengthen the programme’s impact, NCN will involve 4 project partner organisations: Careers Research and Advisory Centre to reinforce the fellows’ potential for professional development, Startup HUB Poland to provide insight into the non-academic sector and match fellows with appropriate secondment institutions, Polish Women Scientists Network to conduct Responsible Research and Innovation training as well as support fellows in communication of research results to the general public and the Interdisciplinary Center for Mathematical and Computational Modelling to advise on the choice of appropriate Open Access and Open Data tools to disseminate research results to the scientific community.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.1.3. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
H2020-EU.1.3.4. Increasing structural impact by co-funding activities