CELESTE | Cryogenic III-V electronics for improved quantum computers

Quantum computers can revolutionize our society, but will require technological advances on multiple levels to do so. One such level is the classical electronics supporting the operation of the quantum processor. These electronics provide control and readout of the qubits, but also introduce noise into the system and must be integrated into the system in an efficient manner, in terms of power and space. In this proposal, I will aim to improve the scalability and performance of quantum computers by developing tailored cryogenic III-V electronics that leverage unique cryogenic effects to surpass the capabilities of traditional technologies. My work will cover two types of circuits representing low and high-risk targets, respectively: a cryogenic quantum well RF switch and a one-dimensional quantized ballistic LNA (1D-LNA). Due to the overlapping needs of the two circuits (in terms of the III-V materials and device fabrication), I will pursue them in parallel. My work will include cryogenic RF circuit design, cleanroom fabrication and cryogenic measurements, as well as manipulation of qubits using the fabricated circuits. The functionality of the circuits and their low-power and low-noise operation make them suitable for both superconducting and spin qubit technologies.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/898125
Start date: 01-02-2021
End date: 19-07-2023
Total budget - Public funding: 203 149,44 Euro - 203 149,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Quantum computers can revolutionize our society, but will require technological advances on multiple levels to do so. One such level is the classical electronics supporting the operation of the quantum processor. These electronics provide control and readout of the qubits, but also introduce noise into the system and must be integrated into the system in an efficient manner, in terms of power and space. In this proposal, I will aim to improve the scalability and performance of quantum computers by developing tailored cryogenic III-V electronics that leverage unique cryogenic effects to surpass the capabilities of traditional technologies. My work will cover two types of circuits representing low and high-risk targets, respectively: a cryogenic quantum well RF switch and a one-dimensional quantized ballistic LNA (1D-LNA). Due to the overlapping needs of the two circuits (in terms of the III-V materials and device fabrication), I will pursue them in parallel. My work will include cryogenic RF circuit design, cleanroom fabrication and cryogenic measurements, as well as manipulation of qubits using the fabricated circuits. The functionality of the circuits and their low-power and low-noise operation make them suitable for both superconducting and spin qubit technologies.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.1.3. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
H2020-EU.1.3.2. Nurturing excellence by means of cross-border and cross-sector mobility