IPN-Bio | Integrated Photonic-Nano Technologies for Bioapplications

IPN-Bio (Integrated Photonic-Nano Technologies for Bio-applications) aims to foster and develop long-term international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral collaboration between Europe, USA, Latin America and China. IPN-Bio consortium consists of 13 world-leading organisations from eight countries (4 EU universities, 3 EU companies, 6 TC Partner organisations) working at the frontier of the field with the complementary expertise in the multidiscipline of Photonics, Nanotechnology and Biotechnology. IPN-Bio will implement strategies of excellence science through a total of 218 person-month of structured international and inter-sectoral staff exchanges involving 36 individual researchers. The R&I staff exchanges and network activities will provide an excellent platform for the exchanged researchers to share the knowledge and ideas, transfer the skills and boost career opportunities.

The project’s objectives and challenges present a balanced mix between industrial application focused knowledge transfer and development and more far-looking studies for potentially ground-breaking applications by exploiting new emerging opportunities with the integration of photonics technology and advanced nanomaterials for the applications in health care, biomedical diagnosis, food safety and environmental monitoring. The IPN-Bio network will forge strong collaborative relationships between participating organisations, push Europe at the forefront of global biophotonics research community, and strengthen Europe’s human capital, competitiveness and economy growth.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/872049
Start date: 01-03-2020
End date: 31-08-2025
Total budget - Public funding: 1 002 800,00 Euro - 818 800,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

IPN-Bio (Integrated Photonic-Nano Technologies for Bio-applications) aims to foster and develop long-term international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral collaboration between Europe, USA, Latin America and China. IPN-Bio consortium consists of 13 world-leading organisations from eight countries (4 EU universities, 3 EU companies, 6 TC Partner organisations) working at the frontier of the field with the complementary expertise in the multidiscipline of Photonics, Nanotechnology and Biotechnology. IPN-Bio will implement strategies of excellence science through a total of 218 person-month of structured international and inter-sectoral staff exchanges involving 36 individual researchers. The R&I staff exchanges and network activities will provide an excellent platform for the exchanged researchers to share the knowledge and ideas, transfer the skills and boost career opportunities.

The project’s objectives and challenges present a balanced mix between industrial application focused knowledge transfer and development and more far-looking studies for potentially ground-breaking applications by exploiting new emerging opportunities with the integration of photonics technology and advanced nanomaterials for the applications in health care, biomedical diagnosis, food safety and environmental monitoring. The IPN-Bio network will forge strong collaborative relationships between participating organisations, push Europe at the forefront of global biophotonics research community, and strengthen Europe’s human capital, competitiveness and economy growth.



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