HiJiffy | Connecting guests to hotels through Messaging Apps

With HiJiffy, hotels have at their disposal an automatized service where consumers are able by accessing the hotel’s Facebook Messenger to check prices and availability. Then they are able to complete all booking process within Messenger. We then offer mobile check-in and check-out. While at the property, our solution provides the best medium to request services, be informed of daily events taking place in the building or seek advice to sightsee the city by texting the hotel at their preferred messaging app.

All of this will be possible by using artificial intelligence and machine learning to help guests book their stays in a quicker way. We want to disrupt the way people interact with brands, and we believe this represents the next digital shift in consumers’ behaviour.

Our solution rises from the need of decreasing Online Travel Agencies commissions (such as Booking.com and Expedia) for repeating guest, whistle driving more revenue, reducing friction in customer communication and improve overall service for hotels.

We have three specific objectives for the feasibility study:

1) Understand Data Protection Issues;
2) Study the hotel’s technology landscape;
3) Increase knowledge of the hospitality industry.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/782509
Start date: 01-08-2017
End date: 31-01-2018
Total budget - Public funding: 71 429,00 Euro - 50 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

With HiJiffy, hotels have at their disposal an automatized service where consumers are able by accessing the hotel’s Facebook Messenger to check prices and availability. Then they are able to complete all booking process within Messenger. We then offer mobile check-in and check-out. While at the property, our solution provides the best medium to request services, be informed of daily events taking place in the building or seek advice to sightsee the city by texting the hotel at their preferred messaging app.

All of this will be possible by using artificial intelligence and machine learning to help guests book their stays in a quicker way. We want to disrupt the way people interact with brands, and we believe this represents the next digital shift in consumers’ behaviour.

Our solution rises from the need of decreasing Online Travel Agencies commissions (such as Booking.com and Expedia) for repeating guest, whistle driving more revenue, reducing friction in customer communication and improve overall service for hotels.

We have three specific objectives for the feasibility study:

1) Understand Data Protection Issues;
2) Study the hotel’s technology landscape;
3) Increase knowledge of the hospitality industry.



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