POLAR STAR | Polymeric cyclodextrin-based nanoparticles for combination therapy of castrate-resistant prostate cancer

Prostate cancer (PC) is the fifth leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. PC often presents in its Multidrug resistant form leaving the patient few survival chances. New approaches are required to overcome resistance-related problems in PC and nanomedicine holds a lot of premises to effectively contribute in this battle. In this frame POLAR STAR aims at the implementation of combination therapy to treat castrate-resistant PC. Our strategy is to exploit innovative nanotechnology to administer contemporarily different therapeutic agents that synergically exert their activity across multiple oncogenic pathways. We plan to use new mixed polymers based on biocompatible cyclodextrins as these building blocks are already FDA approved. Simple organic chemistry is pursued to implement target selectivity and in vivo tracking of the polymeric nanocarrier. The design is guided by the final goal, the future clinical application of nanocarriers to improve PC treatment, keeping in mind upgrade of the nanocarrier systems to large scale production. We will focus on the latest PC drugs suffering from side effects and emerging resistance as multiple cargo to be loaded. Full chemico-physical characterization of the systems is planned as well as assessment of the efficacy of loaded nanocarriers in cell cultures with different drug responsivity profiles. In order to reduce animal experiments POLAR STAR will take full advantage of 3D prostate tissue models for biological tests, an apporach at the forefront in drug design. We plan to reach our goal bringing together the expertise of the fellow and the supervisor supported by the private and academic teams hosting the fellow during secondments. POLAR STAR creates a multidisciplinary environment where all actors, public and private, will benefit from reciprocal transfer of knowledge. During the project the fellow will have the possibility to become a complete researcher improving also complementary skills.
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/843014
Start date: 01-06-2019
End date: 31-07-2021
Total budget - Public funding: 171 473,28 Euro - 171 473,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Prostate cancer (PC) is the fifth leading cause of cancer-related death worldwide. PC often presents in its Multidrug resistant form leaving the patient few survival chances. New approaches are required to overcome resistance-related problems in PC and nanomedicine holds a lot of premises to effectively contribute in this battle. In this frame POLAR STAR aims at the implementation of combination therapy to treat castrate-resistant PC. Our strategy is to exploit innovative nanotechnology to administer contemporarily different therapeutic agents that synergically exert their activity across multiple oncogenic pathways. We plan to use new mixed polymers based on biocompatible cyclodextrins as these building blocks are already FDA approved. Simple organic chemistry is pursued to implement target selectivity and in vivo tracking of the polymeric nanocarrier. The design is guided by the final goal, the future clinical application of nanocarriers to improve PC treatment, keeping in mind upgrade of the nanocarrier systems to large scale production. We will focus on the latest PC drugs suffering from side effects and emerging resistance as multiple cargo to be loaded. Full chemico-physical characterization of the systems is planned as well as assessment of the efficacy of loaded nanocarriers in cell cultures with different drug responsivity profiles. In order to reduce animal experiments POLAR STAR will take full advantage of 3D prostate tissue models for biological tests, an apporach at the forefront in drug design. We plan to reach our goal bringing together the expertise of the fellow and the supervisor supported by the private and academic teams hosting the fellow during secondments. POLAR STAR creates a multidisciplinary environment where all actors, public and private, will benefit from reciprocal transfer of knowledge. During the project the fellow will have the possibility to become a complete researcher improving also complementary skills.



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