TiMoleS | Time-resolved Molecular Selfies (TiMoleS): Visualising molecular dynamics in real time

A chemical reaction is often an unsolved maze game: we know where it starts and ends, but the path followed is a question that remains. Time-resolved imaging of molecular dynamics, therefore, is of primary interest. To solve aforementioned, we miss a sub-Ångström spatial and sub-femtosecond temporal resolution imaging scheme that can probe both nuclei and electrons. In this project TiMoleS, I propose to lay the theoretical and conceptual groundwork for such an imaging tool that can monitor molecular reaction and accompanying electron dynamics. This will be done by letting the target molecule to image by itself via two coexisting strong field processes termed laser-induced electron diffraction and laser-induced electron holography. I intend to use these processes in a complementary way to image nuclear dynamics as well as the electron cloud evolution. Through well-organized work packages for rigorous theoretical and computational developments and by collaborating with specialists of the domain, I propose to surmount difficulties linked with these processes to realize ultrafast imaging. I will develop analytical models, numerical codes and optimal control schemes to come up with rather general imaging method for AB/AB2 molecules. It will give an excellent insight into photochemical reactions, various reaction pathways and control over reaction dynamics, like enhancing the desired reaction or even to prevent an undesired process. These control scheme developed for generalized probing of the dynamics will also accelerate our attempts to design ultrashort lasers in higher frequencies.
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/846146
Start date: 01-09-2020
End date: 31-08-2022
Total budget - Public funding: 219 312,00 Euro - 219 312,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

A chemical reaction is often an unsolved maze game: we know where it starts and ends, but the path followed is a question that remains. Time-resolved imaging of molecular dynamics, therefore, is of primary interest. To solve aforementioned, we miss a sub-Ångström spatial and sub-femtosecond temporal resolution imaging scheme that can probe both nuclei and electrons. In this project TiMoleS, I propose to lay the theoretical and conceptual groundwork for such an imaging tool that can monitor molecular reaction and accompanying electron dynamics. This will be done by letting the target molecule to image by itself via two coexisting strong field processes termed laser-induced electron diffraction and laser-induced electron holography. I intend to use these processes in a complementary way to image nuclear dynamics as well as the electron cloud evolution. Through well-organized work packages for rigorous theoretical and computational developments and by collaborating with specialists of the domain, I propose to surmount difficulties linked with these processes to realize ultrafast imaging. I will develop analytical models, numerical codes and optimal control schemes to come up with rather general imaging method for AB/AB2 molecules. It will give an excellent insight into photochemical reactions, various reaction pathways and control over reaction dynamics, like enhancing the desired reaction or even to prevent an undesired process. These control scheme developed for generalized probing of the dynamics will also accelerate our attempts to design ultrashort lasers in higher frequencies.



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