DICE | Dynamic Interconnections for the Cellular Ecosystem

Mobile networks are now rising to the status of critical infrastructure: there will be 11.6 billion mobile-connected devices by 2021, exceeding the world’s population. As the market transitions from existing technologies to an all-IP ecosystem, the need to innovate the way services are delivered is critical. This drives us to change our approach to interconnection, leading towards a more global and flexible model. Over the past years we have been witnessing the shift from a unilateral, network-centric communications market to an environment with many market players around the user and its powerful device. Though Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) used to have a monopoly on these services, this is now being challenged. For example, Mobile Network Aggregators (MNAs) such as Google Fi are gaining popularity among end-users. MNAs are able to multiplex clients across multiple MNOs in order to ensure optimal service and sustained quality of experience (QoE). In this context, there is a stringent and immediate need for MNOs to develop sustainable strategies including next-generation interconnections to adapt and remain relevant. Understanding, monitoring and innovating how mobile end-users consume and reach content, especially under dynamic mobility scenarios (e.g., international roaming), is of paramount importance. My scientific goal in this project is to design fluid interconnection models between the end-user, the MNOs and the IP Exchange (IPX) providers. I plan to illuminate the current cellular interconnection ecosystem and design novel solutions to facilitate and enable next-generation IP interconnection models. I propose to explore novel technologies (e.g., distributed ledger technology) that enable MNOs to interact directly and offer their users customized services (e.g., using crypto-currencies). This will increase the number of connected people, while enabling MNOs to extend their coverage and sustain a healthy stream of revenue from market growth.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/841315
Start date: 01-09-2019
End date: 31-08-2021
Total budget - Public funding: 160 932,48 Euro - 160 932,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Mobile networks are now rising to the status of critical infrastructure: there will be 11.6 billion mobile-connected devices by 2021, exceeding the world’s population. As the market transitions from existing technologies to an all-IP ecosystem, the need to innovate the way services are delivered is critical. This drives us to change our approach to interconnection, leading towards a more global and flexible model. Over the past years we have been witnessing the shift from a unilateral, network-centric communications market to an environment with many market players around the user and its powerful device. Though Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) used to have a monopoly on these services, this is now being challenged. For example, Mobile Network Aggregators (MNAs) such as Google Fi are gaining popularity among end-users. MNAs are able to multiplex clients across multiple MNOs in order to ensure optimal service and sustained quality of experience (QoE). In this context, there is a stringent and immediate need for MNOs to develop sustainable strategies including next-generation interconnections to adapt and remain relevant. Understanding, monitoring and innovating how mobile end-users consume and reach content, especially under dynamic mobility scenarios (e.g., international roaming), is of paramount importance. My scientific goal in this project is to design fluid interconnection models between the end-user, the MNOs and the IP Exchange (IPX) providers. I plan to illuminate the current cellular interconnection ecosystem and design novel solutions to facilitate and enable next-generation IP interconnection models. I propose to explore novel technologies (e.g., distributed ledger technology) that enable MNOs to interact directly and offer their users customized services (e.g., using crypto-currencies). This will increase the number of connected people, while enabling MNOs to extend their coverage and sustain a healthy stream of revenue from market growth.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.1.3. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
H2020-EU.1.3.2. Nurturing excellence by means of cross-border and cross-sector mobility