ENGAGE | Enabling the Next-Generation of Computational Physicists and Engineers

The program “Enabling the next generation of computational physicists and engineers” (ENGAGE) will train 20 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) to use advanced computer technologies and methodologies for scientific discovery and innovation. The Cyprus Institute is the beneficiary of ENGAGE, having established an interdisciplinary PhD program in Computational Sciences. ENGAGE pools together leading experts from major research centers and from some of Europe's best Universities to train the ESRs in high performance computing (HPC), data science approaches such as machine and deep learning (ML), and quantum computing (QC) and to apply them for solving problems from physics and engineering. The ESRs will learn to use mathematical modeling, to design scalable algorithms, to understand computer architectures and the principles of QC, and to use neural and tensor networks to analyze and extract information from large complex data sets obtained in high energy experiments and from synchrotron light facilities. They will experience different research environments via secondments to universities and to experimental and computational facilities as well as to industry. They will be trained to present their results and hold scientific discussions with researchers from different thematic domains, all of whom share common cross-disciplinary competencies in the pursuit of complex problems, which aim to advance our understanding of nature and to lead to innovative applications. The interdisciplinary program ENGAGE combines the expertise of researchers from institutions across Europe, from Cyprus, Greece and Italy to Germany and France as well as from SESAME, the Middle East's only major experimental synchrotron light facility. ENGAGE responds to the rapid developments in HPC, ML, and the emerging field of QC that have the power to transform the way research is carried out across disciplines. These developments require researchers with well-rounded training, that ENGAGE aspires to deliver.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101034267
Start date: 01-01-2022
End date: 31-12-2026
Total budget - Public funding: 3 362 880,00 Euro - 1 681 440,00 Euro
Cordis data

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The program “Enabling the next generation of computational physicists and engineers” (ENGAGE) will train 20 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) to use advanced computer technologies and methodologies for scientific discovery and innovation. The Cyprus Institute is the beneficiary of ENGAGE, having established an interdisciplinary PhD program in Computational Sciences. ENGAGE pools together leading experts from major research centers and from some of Europe's best Universities to train the ESRs in high performance computing (HPC), data science approaches such as machine and deep learning (ML), and quantum computing (QC) and to apply them for solving problems from physics and engineering. The ESRs will learn to use mathematical modeling, to design scalable algorithms, to understand computer architectures and the principles of QC, and to use neural and tensor networks to analyze and extract information from large complex data sets obtained in high energy experiments and from synchrotron light facilities. They will experience different research environments via secondments to universities and to experimental and computational facilities as well as to industry. They will be trained to present their results and hold scientific discussions with researchers from different thematic domains, all of whom share common cross-disciplinary competencies in the pursuit of complex problems, which aim to advance our understanding of nature and to lead to innovative applications. The interdisciplinary program ENGAGE combines the expertise of researchers from institutions across Europe, from Cyprus, Greece and Italy to Germany and France as well as from SESAME, the Middle East's only major experimental synchrotron light facility. ENGAGE responds to the rapid developments in HPC, ML, and the emerging field of QC that have the power to transform the way research is carried out across disciplines. These developments require researchers with well-rounded training, that ENGAGE aspires to deliver.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.1.3. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
H2020-EU.1.3.4. Increasing structural impact by co-funding activities
MSCA-COFUND-2020 Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes