Reconnect Restart 3 | Research, Connections, Networks and Culture - Use of Projects, Games, Research And Digital in Education

The project proposal under the title ReConNeCt Restart 3 (REsearch, CONnections, NEtworks and CulTure - Use of Projects, Games, Research And Digital in Education) extends on the previous experience gained in the ReConNeCt project that ran in 2019 and 2020, and after having major changes caused by global pandemic, the main idea of bringing together researchers and the public at large of all ages, will be done in mixed environment live experience with researchers and digital (Virtual and Augmented Reality) enhanced events. As the brink of a new decade always signifies changes and modernization, and since the digital science industry in Serbia is currently blooming, we want to a make the digital science the main theme of the EU Researchers Night in 2021. Placing the digital in focus of our program reflects the trends and interests of the new generations that will create and sustain the future (Gen Y and the coming Gen Z). Naturally, the digital and the virtual overcome the physical and spatial barriers and hence magnify the impact on the young audience whose lives and interactions are nowadays dominantly conducted on a digital plane.
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Start date: 03-05-2021
End date: 02-02-2022
Total budget - Public funding: 80 750,00 Euro - 79 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

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The project proposal under the title ReConNeCt Restart 3 (REsearch, CONnections, NEtworks and CulTure - Use of Projects, Games, Research And Digital in Education) extends on the previous experience gained in the ReConNeCt project that ran in 2019 and 2020, and after having major changes caused by global pandemic, the main idea of bringing together researchers and the public at large of all ages, will be done in mixed environment live experience with researchers and digital (Virtual and Augmented Reality) enhanced events. As the brink of a new decade always signifies changes and modernization, and since the digital science industry in Serbia is currently blooming, we want to a make the digital science the main theme of the EU Researchers Night in 2021. Placing the digital in focus of our program reflects the trends and interests of the new generations that will create and sustain the future (Gen Y and the coming Gen Z). Naturally, the digital and the virtual overcome the physical and spatial barriers and hence magnify the impact on the young audience whose lives and interactions are nowadays dominantly conducted on a digital plane.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.1.3. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
H2020-EU.1.3.5. Specific support and policy actions
MSCA-NIGHT-2020bis European Researchers' Night