DiaEthic | Map value transformations in a global interconnection. How sensory experiences and cultural interpretations shape concepts of “ethical diamond” and “mining work ethic”.

The aim of the project is to retrace, through an ethnographic research in the Canadian diamond mine Diavik and in the jewelry Belloni in Milan, the cultural interpretations that various parties (miners, consumers and owners of jewelry) give, within a global interconnection to ethical diamond and the idea of ethics of mining work. The Diavik Mine, who joined a certification program signed by the Government of the Northwest Territories of Canada, produces ethical certified diamonds that are sold in Italy in the jewelry store Belloni.
The project provides a detailed description of the concept of culture of limit, coined by the candidate, that Armano has already detected among miners of alpine mining communities; the concept explains the special relationship between miners and mine, which is interpreted by the workers as a symbolic threshold that the miner must challenge to be accepted in the group of companions; but it is also a threshold that the miner must not exceed to avoid accidents at the work of place. The anthropological concept of limit, regulates the relationship between workers in the mine and gives shape to a cultural representation of mining work ethic.
In ethnographic research in jewelry, the project aims to study, from the anthropological point of view, consumer practices and understanding the cultural interpretations that consumers attribute to their actions when they buy ethical diamonds. It also wants to analyze which interpretations, the owners of the jewelry, give to the idea of mining work ethic and how it is used, advertising strategies, to promote the sale of ethical diamonds.
The project aims to build an analysis methodology of anthropology, to the study of consumption that can provide a new key to anthropological interpretation of consumers and consumption practices. The main target is to contextualize, from the socio-cultural point of view, consumption practices and from the classic consumer research, bring out the consumers point of view.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/837190
Start date: 01-07-2019
End date: 30-06-2022
Total budget - Public funding: 255 768,00 Euro - 255 768,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The aim of the project is to retrace, through an ethnographic research in the Canadian diamond mine Diavik and in the jewelry Belloni in Milan, the cultural interpretations that various parties (miners, consumers and owners of jewelry) give, within a global interconnection to ethical diamond and the idea of ethics of mining work. The Diavik Mine, who joined a certification program signed by the Government of the Northwest Territories of Canada, produces ethical certified diamonds that are sold in Italy in the jewelry store Belloni.
The project provides a detailed description of the concept of culture of limit, coined by the candidate, that Armano has already detected among miners of alpine mining communities; the concept explains the special relationship between miners and mine, which is interpreted by the workers as a symbolic threshold that the miner must challenge to be accepted in the group of companions; but it is also a threshold that the miner must not exceed to avoid accidents at the work of place. The anthropological concept of limit, regulates the relationship between workers in the mine and gives shape to a cultural representation of mining work ethic.
In ethnographic research in jewelry, the project aims to study, from the anthropological point of view, consumer practices and understanding the cultural interpretations that consumers attribute to their actions when they buy ethical diamonds. It also wants to analyze which interpretations, the owners of the jewelry, give to the idea of mining work ethic and how it is used, advertising strategies, to promote the sale of ethical diamonds.
The project aims to build an analysis methodology of anthropology, to the study of consumption that can provide a new key to anthropological interpretation of consumers and consumption practices. The main target is to contextualize, from the socio-cultural point of view, consumption practices and from the classic consumer research, bring out the consumers point of view.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.1.3. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
H2020-EU.1.3.2. Nurturing excellence by means of cross-border and cross-sector mobility