SUPERSCIENCEME | SuperScienceMe - REsearch is your RE-Generation

"""We are running out of time..."" SuperScienceMe thought. ""The earth cries out for help...we can't just stand there, we must do something and we must do it now...all together..""
SuperScienceMe – REsearch is your RE-Generation fully embraces the European Green Deal, to reverse the course and to turn climate and environmental challenges into opportunities.
In this historical moment, in which all certainties are falling apart dramatically, SuperScienceMe appeals to all generations and, like a modern Noah, units them around an ideal, calls them to build a symbolic ark, in order to convey the message that “Research can help regenerate the planet and save lives”
Due to the recent events, the pandemic, the dramatic climate changes, the severe threats to democracy, our world is telling us something. In these difficult times, it is easy for people to feel disoriented and lose faith in science; the deniers, the conspiracy theorists, the insurrectionists, all of them are the result of this slow but continuous and inexorable drift.
Once again, SuperScienceMe leverages the power of research and the enthusiasm of researchers, to enter the hearts and heads of people to slow down this wave until it reverses its path, before it's too late.
To achieve this goal, building on the success of the past editions of the project, researchers from universities and institutions of two regions of southern Italy, Calabria and Basilicata, will open the doors of their laboratories; they will bring research to the non-specialized audience and will talk to people of any age, in order to show them the extraordinary normality of their superhero lives. Furthermore, in line with MSCA-NIGHT scope, the project, bringing researchers closer to the general public, will encourage the youth to embark on scientific careers also helping the planet.
SuperScienceMe must open people's eyes and minds, to make them believe in science again, to defeat the darkness and restore the earth to its original color..the Green"
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Start date: 01-05-2021
End date: 30-04-2022
Total budget - Public funding: 576 468,50 Euro - 298 950,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

"""We are running out of time..."" SuperScienceMe thought. ""The earth cries out for help...we can't just stand there, we must do something and we must do it now...all together..""
SuperScienceMe – REsearch is your RE-Generation fully embraces the European Green Deal, to reverse the course and to turn climate and environmental challenges into opportunities.
In this historical moment, in which all certainties are falling apart dramatically, SuperScienceMe appeals to all generations and, like a modern Noah, units them around an ideal, calls them to build a symbolic ark, in order to convey the message that “Research can help regenerate the planet and save lives”
Due to the recent events, the pandemic, the dramatic climate changes, the severe threats to democracy, our world is telling us something. In these difficult times, it is easy for people to feel disoriented and lose faith in science; the deniers, the conspiracy theorists, the insurrectionists, all of them are the result of this slow but continuous and inexorable drift.
Once again, SuperScienceMe leverages the power of research and the enthusiasm of researchers, to enter the hearts and heads of people to slow down this wave until it reverses its path, before it's too late.
To achieve this goal, building on the success of the past editions of the project, researchers from universities and institutions of two regions of southern Italy, Calabria and Basilicata, will open the doors of their laboratories; they will bring research to the non-specialized audience and will talk to people of any age, in order to show them the extraordinary normality of their superhero lives. Furthermore, in line with MSCA-NIGHT scope, the project, bringing researchers closer to the general public, will encourage the youth to embark on scientific careers also helping the planet.
SuperScienceMe must open people's eyes and minds, to make them believe in science again, to defeat the darkness and restore the earth to its original color..the Green"



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.1.3. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
H2020-EU.1.3.5. Specific support and policy actions
MSCA-NIGHT-2020bis European Researchers' Night