During the last decades farming and production of gourmet foods, traditionally dominated by Mediterranean region, experienced a setback because of decrease of inhouse consumption. This forced the whole market towards export to strong economies with high quality of life. Export markets bring challenges to small farms and producers of gourmet foods. They have no experience and funds to cope with refocus from local sales to export. This puts them into disadvantage reaching international markets. The wish to get the share in export forces farms to accept wholesalers as a necessity, to sell at 30-50% of prices, to agree that distributors get the largest share of value created by farmers.
I Go Slow offers a unique solution for the problems of the industry. The main objective is to develop a platform based on integration of Internet, e-commerce, Cloud and Blockchain technologies for promoting key ideas of Slow Food movement and family owned farming into cyberspace. For farmers the platform provides a user-friendly, reliable channel for presenting themselves directly to consumers without intermediaries. It requires little if any marketing funds, and allows engaging with customers directly for visits, product sales and sharing next harvest. All interactions are supported by underlying Blockchain technology and carried out with the use of a native Slow Token ecosystem. Any interaction between farmers and consumers strengthens Authenticity Rates, leaves no space for manipulations of intermediaries and builds trust. Trust gives credibility to farmers. It contributes to the secure content of global cyberspace.
I Go Slow platform offers producers a compelling proposition to increase their global exposure, maximize profit by getting most of the created value themselves. It is a socially responsible proposition as I Go Slow will monetize the business using commission fees on transactions instead of subscription fees.
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/868842
Start date: 01-06-2019
End date: 30-11-2019
Total budget - Public funding: 71 429,00 Euro - 50 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

During the last decades farming and production of gourmet foods, traditionally dominated by Mediterranean region, experienced a setback because of decrease of inhouse consumption. This forced the whole market towards export to strong economies with high quality of life. Export markets bring challenges to small farms and producers of gourmet foods. They have no experience and funds to cope with refocus from local sales to export. This puts them into disadvantage reaching international markets. The wish to get the share in export forces farms to accept wholesalers as a necessity, to sell at 30-50% of prices, to agree that distributors get the largest share of value created by farmers.
I Go Slow offers a unique solution for the problems of the industry. The main objective is to develop a platform based on integration of Internet, e-commerce, Cloud and Blockchain technologies for promoting key ideas of Slow Food movement and family owned farming into cyberspace. For farmers the platform provides a user-friendly, reliable channel for presenting themselves directly to consumers without intermediaries. It requires little if any marketing funds, and allows engaging with customers directly for visits, product sales and sharing next harvest. All interactions are supported by underlying Blockchain technology and carried out with the use of a native Slow Token ecosystem. Any interaction between farmers and consumers strengthens Authenticity Rates, leaves no space for manipulations of intermediaries and builds trust. Trust gives credibility to farmers. It contributes to the secure content of global cyberspace.
I Go Slow platform offers producers a compelling proposition to increase their global exposure, maximize profit by getting most of the created value themselves. It is a socially responsible proposition as I Go Slow will monetize the business using commission fees on transactions instead of subscription fees.



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