RISE | Robust WIrelesS Caching for Mobile NEtworks (RISE)

With the development of smart terminals and emerging new applications, current mobile infrastructure cannot gradually
meet ever-increasing user requirements. A new generation of mobile networks is needed in near future. Wireless caching is
one of the promising techniques. The main idea of wireless caching is to pre-store popular user data near end terminals.
Thus, the request can be satisfied locally, rather than from remote servers. Then, the network throughput is improved and
the response latency is reduced, especially for the multimedia transmission. Despite of great benefits, the applications of
wireless caching to mobile networks still face many challenges, e.g., unreliable channels and caching nodes, complexity
topology and security. In this project, we plan to study the coding techniques to address the challenges in wireless caching.
In short, we will study coding techniques to improve reliability of transmission , node repairing, file consistent and security.
Except the theoretical modeling and analysis, we will also implement codes in testbed. The detailed objectives are as
follows. (1) performance limits and code design of consistent wireless caching networks.(2)coding for reliable data delivery
and repairing with transmission errors.(3) performance limits and codes design for information security.
The researcher has solid background in coding techniques while the host is strong in information theory, system design and performance analysis in wireless networks. The proposed topic is somehow the combination of these techniques. One of the most important outputs is the scientific dissemination, which will be achieved through the publications of our contributions in high-impact journals in the area of information theory, coding theory, and wireless networking. The researcher will also develop FPGA or SDR implementation for designed codecs and integrate them into KTH testbed. A two-month secondment to Ericsson Research is also planed for engineering training.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/796426
Start date: 01-09-2018
End date: 31-08-2020
Total budget - Public funding: 185 857,20 Euro - 185 857,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

With the development of smart terminals and emerging new applications, current mobile infrastructure cannot gradually
meet ever-increasing user requirements. A new generation of mobile networks is needed in near future. Wireless caching is
one of the promising techniques. The main idea of wireless caching is to pre-store popular user data near end terminals.
Thus, the request can be satisfied locally, rather than from remote servers. Then, the network throughput is improved and
the response latency is reduced, especially for the multimedia transmission. Despite of great benefits, the applications of
wireless caching to mobile networks still face many challenges, e.g., unreliable channels and caching nodes, complexity
topology and security. In this project, we plan to study the coding techniques to address the challenges in wireless caching.
In short, we will study coding techniques to improve reliability of transmission , node repairing, file consistent and security.
Except the theoretical modeling and analysis, we will also implement codes in testbed. The detailed objectives are as
follows. (1) performance limits and code design of consistent wireless caching networks.(2)coding for reliable data delivery
and repairing with transmission errors.(3) performance limits and codes design for information security.
The researcher has solid background in coding techniques while the host is strong in information theory, system design and performance analysis in wireless networks. The proposed topic is somehow the combination of these techniques. One of the most important outputs is the scientific dissemination, which will be achieved through the publications of our contributions in high-impact journals in the area of information theory, coding theory, and wireless networking. The researcher will also develop FPGA or SDR implementation for designed codecs and integrate them into KTH testbed. A two-month secondment to Ericsson Research is also planed for engineering training.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.1.3. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
H2020-EU.1.3.2. Nurturing excellence by means of cross-border and cross-sector mobility