K-TRIO 4 | Researchers in the Knowledge Triangle

Since 2006, members of EURAXESS Bulgaria have organised 12 European Researchers Nights (ERN), and have attracted several new consortium members with different profiles – universities, research institutes, NGOs, entrepreneurs.
Based on past experience, the main goal of Researchers in the Knowledge Triangle (K-TRIO 4) project is to bring researchers closer to society, attract young people to STEM and boost citizens science. The project will contribute for increasing the number of researchers and innovators in Bulgaria by making the society, and young people, aware of excellent European achievements in research and innovation, and of the success of Centres of Excellence (CoE) and Centres of Competence and their contribution to the Intelligent Strategy for Smart Specialisation in Bulgaria and regional development.
Aware of the need of changing stereotypes and nurturing a new culture in research and innovation, the consortium will make young people aware of the multiple career paths of researchers (incl. MSC fellows), best-practice examples of researchers achievements, and research infrastructure in Bulgaria. Special emphasis will be made on European policy and on funding for research and innovation provided by EU RTD programs and Structural Funds.
With a large variety of pre-events, online activities and 2-days ERN events in many Bulgarian cities, the project will create greater understanding on how research and innovation contribute for well-being of people and sustainable development, and highlight the common European efforts for building Digital Single market, Factories of the Future, Smart Cities, and take full advantage of BIG Data and Cloud computing. With the involvement of all CoE UNITe partners, and their large network, in addition to EURAXESS Bulgaria, K-TRIO 4 will cover all Bulgarian regions. Forum Science will guide a professional science communication, and ensure greater visibility of K-TRIO 4 activities.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/955283
Start date: 01-05-2020
End date: 31-01-2021
Total budget - Public funding: 117 098,75 Euro - 114 100,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Since 2006, members of EURAXESS Bulgaria have organised 12 European Researchers Nights (ERN), and have attracted several new consortium members with different profiles – universities, research institutes, NGOs, entrepreneurs.
Based on past experience, the main goal of Researchers in the Knowledge Triangle (K-TRIO 4) project is to bring researchers closer to society, attract young people to STEM and boost citizens science. The project will contribute for increasing the number of researchers and innovators in Bulgaria by making the society, and young people, aware of excellent European achievements in research and innovation, and of the success of Centres of Excellence (CoE) and Centres of Competence and their contribution to the Intelligent Strategy for Smart Specialisation in Bulgaria and regional development.
Aware of the need of changing stereotypes and nurturing a new culture in research and innovation, the consortium will make young people aware of the multiple career paths of researchers (incl. MSC fellows), best-practice examples of researchers achievements, and research infrastructure in Bulgaria. Special emphasis will be made on European policy and on funding for research and innovation provided by EU RTD programs and Structural Funds.
With a large variety of pre-events, online activities and 2-days ERN events in many Bulgarian cities, the project will create greater understanding on how research and innovation contribute for well-being of people and sustainable development, and highlight the common European efforts for building Digital Single market, Factories of the Future, Smart Cities, and take full advantage of BIG Data and Cloud computing. With the involvement of all CoE UNITe partners, and their large network, in addition to EURAXESS Bulgaria, K-TRIO 4 will cover all Bulgarian regions. Forum Science will guide a professional science communication, and ensure greater visibility of K-TRIO 4 activities.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.1.3. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
H2020-EU.1.3.5. Specific support and policy actions