K-TRIO 3 | Researchers in the knowledge triangle

"The main goal of the project ‘Researchers in Knowledge Triangle’ (K-TRIO 3) is to bring researchers and their achievements closer to the society, and young people in particular. The project aims to contribute for increasing the number of researchers and innovators in Europe by making the society and especially young people aware of excellent achievements in research and innovation, in particular: FET flagship initiatives , large scale initiatives like ""Next Generation Internet"" and HPC, Centres of Excellence and projects with Bulgarian participation supported by the H2020.
The project is targeted at raising the general public awareness on the achievements of Centres of Excellence in the 2 priority areas of Intelligent Strategy for Smart Specialisation in Bulgaria: ICT and Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) and their contribution to the regional development .
Aware of the need of changing stereotypes and nurturing a new culture in research and innovation, the consortium will focus on making young people (youth) aware of the multiple career paths of researchers (incl. MSC fellows), best-practice examples of researchers and innovators achievements, and research infrastructure in Bulgaria.
In 2018, the project activities will focus on research and innovation contributions to preserving the cultural heritage and fostering CCI, and the key role of researchers in these processes. In 2019, the emphasis will be on ‘Research in the Networked Society’ – making people aware of recent achievements in HPC, for building Internet of Things, Factories of Future, and Smart Cities, as well as taking full advantage of BIG Data and Cloud computing.
The target audience of the project includes three groups, with specific activities designed for each group:
- for students and kids: competitions, hands-on experiments, open labs, guided visists
- for parents, teachers and general society: knowledge fairs, exhibitions, discussion clubs, etc.
- for young researchers: training rally
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/818757
Start date: 01-05-2018
End date: 30-11-2019
Total budget - Public funding: 217 625,00 Euro - 212 000,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

"The main goal of the project ‘Researchers in Knowledge Triangle’ (K-TRIO 3) is to bring researchers and their achievements closer to the society, and young people in particular. The project aims to contribute for increasing the number of researchers and innovators in Europe by making the society and especially young people aware of excellent achievements in research and innovation, in particular: FET flagship initiatives , large scale initiatives like ""Next Generation Internet"" and HPC, Centres of Excellence and projects with Bulgarian participation supported by the H2020.
The project is targeted at raising the general public awareness on the achievements of Centres of Excellence in the 2 priority areas of Intelligent Strategy for Smart Specialisation in Bulgaria: ICT and Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) and their contribution to the regional development .
Aware of the need of changing stereotypes and nurturing a new culture in research and innovation, the consortium will focus on making young people (youth) aware of the multiple career paths of researchers (incl. MSC fellows), best-practice examples of researchers and innovators achievements, and research infrastructure in Bulgaria.
In 2018, the project activities will focus on research and innovation contributions to preserving the cultural heritage and fostering CCI, and the key role of researchers in these processes. In 2019, the emphasis will be on ‘Research in the Networked Society’ – making people aware of recent achievements in HPC, for building Internet of Things, Factories of Future, and Smart Cities, as well as taking full advantage of BIG Data and Cloud computing.
The target audience of the project includes three groups, with specific activities designed for each group:
- for students and kids: competitions, hands-on experiments, open labs, guided visists
- for parents, teachers and general society: knowledge fairs, exhibitions, discussion clubs, etc.
- for young researchers: training rally



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.1.3. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
H2020-EU.1.3.5. Specific support and policy actions