Energy is crucial for the developing World and must be provided when needed to avoid serious impact on society. Among all energy forms, electricity has an increasingly central role. Electricity security is the power system's capability to withstand disturbances or contingencies with an acceptable service disruption and represents a crucial concern for policy decision making at all levels. Usually, service disruption is due to cables insulation damage, often caused by or accompanied by partial discharge (PD) event that is a localized electrical discharge that partially bridges the insulation between conductors. Since PD is one of the best early-warning indicators of insulation damage, the on-line PD location is the most suitable method to monitor network integrity and a desirable network protection method to guarantee electricity security.
The project’s main objective is to develop a new method for on-line PD location based on the innovative electromagnetic time reversal (EMTR) theory. It focuses on three specific objectives:To develop a numerical test bench to study PD on networks, through a training on computational electromagnetics (CEM).To design the new method, studying EMTR theory through a secondment under the supervision of the theoretician of EMTR theory for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) field application. To experimentally validate the method, through a secondment at the industrial partner, expert in on-line PD condition monitoring. The project, characterized by strong interdisciplinarity and mobility in a European context, will widen the fellow skills with new experience giving her the possibility to reach an independent position of research leadership. She has significant experience in the EMC field that will be enhanced studying CEM techniques and EMTR theory, both at theoretical level, working with the high-level researchers’ staff of Host Institution and Academic partner, and at experimental level through the secondment at the industrial partner
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/838681
Start date: 01-06-2019
End date: 29-11-2021
Total budget - Public funding: 212 933,76 Euro - 212 933,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Energy is crucial for the developing World and must be provided when needed to avoid serious impact on society. Among all energy forms, electricity has an increasingly central role. Electricity security is the power system's capability to withstand disturbances or contingencies with an acceptable service disruption and represents a crucial concern for policy decision making at all levels. Usually, service disruption is due to cables insulation damage, often caused by or accompanied by partial discharge (PD) event that is a localized electrical discharge that partially bridges the insulation between conductors. Since PD is one of the best early-warning indicators of insulation damage, the on-line PD location is the most suitable method to monitor network integrity and a desirable network protection method to guarantee electricity security.
The project’s main objective is to develop a new method for on-line PD location based on the innovative electromagnetic time reversal (EMTR) theory. It focuses on three specific objectives:To develop a numerical test bench to study PD on networks, through a training on computational electromagnetics (CEM).To design the new method, studying EMTR theory through a secondment under the supervision of the theoretician of EMTR theory for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) field application. To experimentally validate the method, through a secondment at the industrial partner, expert in on-line PD condition monitoring. The project, characterized by strong interdisciplinarity and mobility in a European context, will widen the fellow skills with new experience giving her the possibility to reach an independent position of research leadership. She has significant experience in the EMC field that will be enhanced studying CEM techniques and EMTR theory, both at theoretical level, working with the high-level researchers’ staff of Host Institution and Academic partner, and at experimental level through the secondment at the industrial partner



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.1.3. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
H2020-EU.1.3.2. Nurturing excellence by means of cross-border and cross-sector mobility