QUABODYP | QUAntum Black hOle DYnamics and Phenomenology

The aim of this proposal is to tackle the implementation of dynamics in quantum gravity in the context of a black hole geometry in order to address long-standing fundamental theoretical issues, and study the possibility that related quantum effects could be observable by next-generation detectors. The research methodology is based on two approaches to be carried out in parallel since complementary. The first line of research is more closely related to the Loop Quantum Gravity framework and it relies on a novel approach to implement symmetry reduction at the quantum level, yielding a more tractable quantum dynamics for a spherical black hole geometry, while none of the fundamental structures of the full theory are lost. The second line is based on the investigation of the new physical degrees of freedom that arise in presence of a boundary and the central role of conformal field theory in their description, and it is related to field theory techniques employed in the context of gauge/gravity duality. We shall apply and combine these new ideas and methods to investigate the black hole evaporation process, the fate of classical singularities and to extract phenomenology through gravitational waves physics techniques.

Since the most energetic astrophysical events in the universe might carry the signature of quantum gravity effects, the potential theoretical and observational implications of the project outcomes will contribute to enhance EU scientific excellence in the field. The proposed programme requires a cross-fertilization of expertise from several areas of theoretical physics and will thereby diversify the competences of both the researcher and the host groups, as well as expand their respective networks of collaborators. This action prepares the fellow for a more permanent position by endowing him with crucial opportunities to train his mentoring, communication and networking skills and, ultimately, by allowing him to develop his own research programme.
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/841923
Start date: 01-09-2020
End date: 31-08-2023
Total budget - Public funding: 255 768,00 Euro - 255 768,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The aim of this proposal is to tackle the implementation of dynamics in quantum gravity in the context of a black hole geometry in order to address long-standing fundamental theoretical issues, and study the possibility that related quantum effects could be observable by next-generation detectors. The research methodology is based on two approaches to be carried out in parallel since complementary. The first line of research is more closely related to the Loop Quantum Gravity framework and it relies on a novel approach to implement symmetry reduction at the quantum level, yielding a more tractable quantum dynamics for a spherical black hole geometry, while none of the fundamental structures of the full theory are lost. The second line is based on the investigation of the new physical degrees of freedom that arise in presence of a boundary and the central role of conformal field theory in their description, and it is related to field theory techniques employed in the context of gauge/gravity duality. We shall apply and combine these new ideas and methods to investigate the black hole evaporation process, the fate of classical singularities and to extract phenomenology through gravitational waves physics techniques.

Since the most energetic astrophysical events in the universe might carry the signature of quantum gravity effects, the potential theoretical and observational implications of the project outcomes will contribute to enhance EU scientific excellence in the field. The proposed programme requires a cross-fertilization of expertise from several areas of theoretical physics and will thereby diversify the competences of both the researcher and the host groups, as well as expand their respective networks of collaborators. This action prepares the fellow for a more permanent position by endowing him with crucial opportunities to train his mentoring, communication and networking skills and, ultimately, by allowing him to develop his own research programme.



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