NeMeCo | Near Memory Computing

Near Memory Computing: Major bottlenecks for future computation is the slow communication over slow interconnects between big data memories and big data processing and also the slow overhead of data memory accesses. The NeMeCo EID network aims at solving this problem by proposing fundamentally different architectures, integrating computation and memory, and using reconfigurable accelerators. Research topics of this project are: new, non-Von-Neumann architectures,
automated design of reconfigurable accelerators, advanced memory hierarchy based on both volatile and non-volatile memory components, and corresponding compiler, algorithmic optimization and mapping techniques.
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Start date: 01-04-2016
End date: 30-09-2020
Total budget - Public funding: 766 122,84 Euro - 766 122,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Near Memory Computing: Major bottlenecks for future computation is the slow communication over slow interconnects between big data memories and big data processing and also the slow overhead of data memory accesses. The NeMeCo EID network aims at solving this problem by proposing fundamentally different architectures, integrating computation and memory, and using reconfigurable accelerators. Research topics of this project are: new, non-Von-Neumann architectures,
automated design of reconfigurable accelerators, advanced memory hierarchy based on both volatile and non-volatile memory components, and corresponding compiler, algorithmic optimization and mapping techniques.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.1.3. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
H2020-EU.1.3.1. Fostering new skills by means of excellent initial training of researchers
MSCA-ITN-2015-EID Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN-EID)