EuroTechPostdoc2 | International Postdoc Academy in Science and Technology

Combining complementary research & innovation strengths with unique infrastructures and training facilities across six leading European Universities of Science & Technology (the EuroTech Universities Alliance) will provide the basis for an internationally competitive fellowship programme, including an innovative Postdoc Academy.
The EuroTechPostdoc2 programme aims at attracting excellent experienced researchers from all over the world through an open, transparent and structured recruitment process. It will provide exceptional research and training opportunities for up to 70 experienced researchers funded for a 2-year period (divided in 2 calls for proposals).
The fellows will develop their skills in interdisciplinary, cross-border collaboration projects between at least two participants from two different countries, and will be provided with the opportunity to transfer knowledge in entrepreneurship activities or by collaboration with public and industrial organizations from the ecosystems of the participants.
The research thematic is open to all areas within the Alliance enabling the exploration of emerging and promising fields and promoting new interdisciplinary research collaborations. Fellows may freely choose a research topic and the appropriate organizations to host them, fitting their individual needs and ambitions.
The EuroTech Postdoc Academy will offer excellent and complementary training options organized at the six participants and ensures a personal supervision and mentoring scheme. The Postdoc Academy bootcamps focus on strengthening the fellows’ skills and network, their career development inside and outside academia and foster further collaboration and exchange.
Together with outstanding working conditions that support both family and career, the programme will thus provide the fellows with unprecedented possibilities, including a dedicated research and secondment budget, to diversify their career options for a leadership position within the ERA.
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Start date: 01-06-2020
End date: 31-05-2025
Total budget - Public funding: 10 298 400,00 Euro - 5 149 200,00 Euro
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Combining complementary research & innovation strengths with unique infrastructures and training facilities across six leading European Universities of Science & Technology (the EuroTech Universities Alliance) will provide the basis for an internationally competitive fellowship programme, including an innovative Postdoc Academy.
The EuroTechPostdoc2 programme aims at attracting excellent experienced researchers from all over the world through an open, transparent and structured recruitment process. It will provide exceptional research and training opportunities for up to 70 experienced researchers funded for a 2-year period (divided in 2 calls for proposals).
The fellows will develop their skills in interdisciplinary, cross-border collaboration projects between at least two participants from two different countries, and will be provided with the opportunity to transfer knowledge in entrepreneurship activities or by collaboration with public and industrial organizations from the ecosystems of the participants.
The research thematic is open to all areas within the Alliance enabling the exploration of emerging and promising fields and promoting new interdisciplinary research collaborations. Fellows may freely choose a research topic and the appropriate organizations to host them, fitting their individual needs and ambitions.
The EuroTech Postdoc Academy will offer excellent and complementary training options organized at the six participants and ensures a personal supervision and mentoring scheme. The Postdoc Academy bootcamps focus on strengthening the fellows’ skills and network, their career development inside and outside academia and foster further collaboration and exchange.
Together with outstanding working conditions that support both family and career, the programme will thus provide the fellows with unprecedented possibilities, including a dedicated research and secondment budget, to diversify their career options for a leadership position within the ERA.



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