NeuroTrans | NEUROtransmitter TRANSporters: from single molecules to human pathologies

The vision of the ETN network NeuroTrans (NEUROtransmitter TRANSporters: from single molecules to human pathologies) is to (i) enable an improved understanding of how dysfunction of neurotransmitter:sodium symporters (NSS) contributes to neuropsychiatric disease pathobiology and how psychoactive substances target NSS and (ii) to establish a robust framework for comprehending these pathologies through changes in transporter function at the molecular level. The mission of NeuroTrans is to develop a solid model that can predict changes in NSS function using fundamental principles obtained from quantitative experiments using an interdisciplinary approach.
NeuroTrans will have a strong translational aspect through the development of enabling techniques in biophysics, molecular and structural biology and through industrial partner which establish novel instruments for use in live cells to quantify kinetics, dynamics and thermodynamic parameters, allowing for exploitation and commercialisation. The NeuroTrans research programme will have major generalizable scientific impact that will be of high relevance to academia, pharmaceutical industry and policy makers and is likely expand not only to other classes of transporters, but to membrane proteins in general.
NeuroTrans will establish a highly interdisciplinary doctoral training program by forming an interdisciplinary and intersectorial team of world-leading European researchers. Training will include most important subdisciplines in quantitative biology, including molecular modelling, computer simulations, biophysics, biochemistry, neurobiology, molecular and structural biology. Taining will be headed by an industrial beneficiary to secure a strong industry oriented focus, ensuring that the ESRs can become part of Europe’s future generation of innovative leaders, be at the forefront of science and innovation, translate fundamental research into cutting-edge technologies, and solidify European industry leadership.
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Start date: 01-02-2020
End date: 31-07-2024
Total budget - Public funding: 3 994 422,12 Euro - 3 994 422,00 Euro
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The vision of the ETN network NeuroTrans (NEUROtransmitter TRANSporters: from single molecules to human pathologies) is to (i) enable an improved understanding of how dysfunction of neurotransmitter:sodium symporters (NSS) contributes to neuropsychiatric disease pathobiology and how psychoactive substances target NSS and (ii) to establish a robust framework for comprehending these pathologies through changes in transporter function at the molecular level. The mission of NeuroTrans is to develop a solid model that can predict changes in NSS function using fundamental principles obtained from quantitative experiments using an interdisciplinary approach.
NeuroTrans will have a strong translational aspect through the development of enabling techniques in biophysics, molecular and structural biology and through industrial partner which establish novel instruments for use in live cells to quantify kinetics, dynamics and thermodynamic parameters, allowing for exploitation and commercialisation. The NeuroTrans research programme will have major generalizable scientific impact that will be of high relevance to academia, pharmaceutical industry and policy makers and is likely expand not only to other classes of transporters, but to membrane proteins in general.
NeuroTrans will establish a highly interdisciplinary doctoral training program by forming an interdisciplinary and intersectorial team of world-leading European researchers. Training will include most important subdisciplines in quantitative biology, including molecular modelling, computer simulations, biophysics, biochemistry, neurobiology, molecular and structural biology. Taining will be headed by an industrial beneficiary to secure a strong industry oriented focus, ensuring that the ESRs can become part of Europe’s future generation of innovative leaders, be at the forefront of science and innovation, translate fundamental research into cutting-edge technologies, and solidify European industry leadership.



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