TankSensor | Smart monitoring solution for better procurement and supply chain management - Speeding up chemical industry digitalization

The global chemical industry is witnessing rapid changes in demand and leveraging digitalization to improve its operational efficiency has now become a vital need for the industry. Logistics is a key aspect of the chemical industry as production and consumption locations are mostly separated. Managing the supply chain has always been a major problem for the chemical industry. Companies work on tight margins and need constant monitoring of fill-level to ensure on-time product delivery and safety. The optimization of the logistics is the key factor which could differentiate one company from the other. However,chemical companies are stuck with the archaic fill level tank monitoring that blocks supply chain optimization and automation.
To overcome the specific challenges, Nanolike created TankSensor,an IoT nanosensor and software solution for fill-level monitoring of industrial tanks. It creates network of the connected smart tanks, providing fill level and geolocation information remotely and in real time, enabling to plan, manage and optimise the supply chain. TankSensor is a non-invasive, easy to install Plug and Play device. It works for liquids,solids, gases and dangerous chemicals. It enables total visibility & control of chemicals fill levels improving stock management and eliminating risk of unexpected running out of stock.
Our key customers are industrial sites, chemical suppliers and container manufacturers. The TankSensor uses our breakthrough, proprietary strain nanosensor to continuously monitor the fill-level of any container. It has been validated in tests with industrial chemical suppliers and has generated their strong interest. The project is well aligned with what we have done so far on nanosensor market, providing opportunity to scale-up our sales by reaching new market segments and increasing production volumes. The support from the EC will give us necessary resources to deploy the action plan and additional networking and business opportunities
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/945010
Start date: 01-01-2020
End date: 31-12-2021
Total budget - Public funding: 2 539 002,00 Euro - 1 777 301,00 Euro
Cordis data

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The global chemical industry is witnessing rapid changes in demand and leveraging digitalization to improve its operational efficiency has now become a vital need for the industry. Logistics is a key aspect of the chemical industry as production and consumption locations are mostly separated. Managing the supply chain has always been a major problem for the chemical industry. Companies work on tight margins and need constant monitoring of fill-level to ensure on-time product delivery and safety. The optimization of the logistics is the key factor which could differentiate one company from the other. However,chemical companies are stuck with the archaic fill level tank monitoring that blocks supply chain optimization and automation.
To overcome the specific challenges, Nanolike created TankSensor,an IoT nanosensor and software solution for fill-level monitoring of industrial tanks. It creates network of the connected smart tanks, providing fill level and geolocation information remotely and in real time, enabling to plan, manage and optimise the supply chain. TankSensor is a non-invasive, easy to install Plug and Play device. It works for liquids,solids, gases and dangerous chemicals. It enables total visibility & control of chemicals fill levels improving stock management and eliminating risk of unexpected running out of stock.
Our key customers are industrial sites, chemical suppliers and container manufacturers. The TankSensor uses our breakthrough, proprietary strain nanosensor to continuously monitor the fill-level of any container. It has been validated in tests with industrial chemical suppliers and has generated their strong interest. The project is well aligned with what we have done so far on nanosensor market, providing opportunity to scale-up our sales by reaching new market segments and increasing production volumes. The support from the EC will give us necessary resources to deploy the action plan and additional networking and business opportunities



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