d-CFRPs | Developing high-performance recycled carbon fibre reinforced plastics with tailored mechanical, fracture and fatigue properties using state-of-the-art nano-modification technology

This project aims to develop high-performance RECYCLED/discontinuous carbon fiber reinforced plastics (d-CFRPs) with tailored mechanical, fracture and fatigue properties using state-of-the-art nano-modification technology. Moreover, a significant side benefit of this research is a further development and validation of a fatigue test method for CFRPs towards standardization. The project involves: (1) formulate and characterize a series of epoxies modified by different nano-additives, i.e. rubber, silica, carbon nanotubes and graphene; (2) produce a series of d-CFPRs based on selected nano-modified epoxies and recycled carbon fibres; (3) characterize the mechanical properties, fracture toughness and fatigue resistance of the d-CFRPs; (4) investigate the fracture mechanisms and quantify the fracture features of d-CFRPs for both quasi-static and fatigue failure to build the correlation between fracture features and energy dissipation; (5) further develop and validate a fatigue test approach for CFRPs towards standardisation, together with other world-leading researchers from ESIS-TC4 (European Structural Integrity Society Technical Committee 4). Turning CFRP waste into a valuable resource and closing the loop in the CFRP life-cycle is vital for the sustainable use of carbon fibres. The research outcomes of this project (turning CFRP waste into high-performance d-CFRPs) will fit neatly with the big priority of Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020 in ‘Increased investment in sustainable development and climate related R&I’, and the new ‘From Waste to Resource (VANG)’ programme developed by Dutch government. The successful development of high-performance d-CFRPs will facilitate the recycling of CFRP waste and promote the applications of recycled d-CFRPs, hence to make contributions to ‘From Waste to Resource’. Moreover, the contribution to the development of a reliable standard for fatigue test of CFRPs will significantly benefit the research and industrial communities.
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/842467
Start date: 02-09-2019
End date: 01-09-2021
Total budget - Public funding: 187 572,48 Euro - 187 572,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

This project aims to develop high-performance RECYCLED/discontinuous carbon fiber reinforced plastics (d-CFRPs) with tailored mechanical, fracture and fatigue properties using state-of-the-art nano-modification technology. Moreover, a significant side benefit of this research is a further development and validation of a fatigue test method for CFRPs towards standardization. The project involves: (1) formulate and characterize a series of epoxies modified by different nano-additives, i.e. rubber, silica, carbon nanotubes and graphene; (2) produce a series of d-CFPRs based on selected nano-modified epoxies and recycled carbon fibres; (3) characterize the mechanical properties, fracture toughness and fatigue resistance of the d-CFRPs; (4) investigate the fracture mechanisms and quantify the fracture features of d-CFRPs for both quasi-static and fatigue failure to build the correlation between fracture features and energy dissipation; (5) further develop and validate a fatigue test approach for CFRPs towards standardisation, together with other world-leading researchers from ESIS-TC4 (European Structural Integrity Society Technical Committee 4). Turning CFRP waste into a valuable resource and closing the loop in the CFRP life-cycle is vital for the sustainable use of carbon fibres. The research outcomes of this project (turning CFRP waste into high-performance d-CFRPs) will fit neatly with the big priority of Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020 in ‘Increased investment in sustainable development and climate related R&I’, and the new ‘From Waste to Resource (VANG)’ programme developed by Dutch government. The successful development of high-performance d-CFRPs will facilitate the recycling of CFRP waste and promote the applications of recycled d-CFRPs, hence to make contributions to ‘From Waste to Resource’. Moreover, the contribution to the development of a reliable standard for fatigue test of CFRPs will significantly benefit the research and industrial communities.



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