TERAOPTICS | Terahertz Photonics for Communications, Space, Security, Radio-Astronomy, and Material Science

The overarching objective of TERAOPTICS is to provide high-level training in the field of THz Photonics to a new generation of high achieving early stage researchers to provide them an inspiring research program and intellectual, scientific, technical and transferable skills trainings to enhance their career opportunities in academia and industry and to create the new generation of excellent, creative and risk-taking researchers and engineers. This goal will be achieved by a unique, internationally renowned, interdisciplinary and inter-sectorial network of academic and non-academic beneficiaries and partners providing both formal (workshop-style) and informal (hands-on) research training in a most stimulating professional environment, non-academic placements and scientific conferences.
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More information & hyperlinks
Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/956857
Start date: 01-09-2020
End date: 31-08-2024
Total budget - Public funding: 3 974 527,44 Euro - 3 974 527,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The overarching objective of TERAOPTICS is to provide high-level training in the field of THz Photonics to a new generation of high achieving early stage researchers to provide them an inspiring research program and intellectual, scientific, technical and transferable skills trainings to enhance their career opportunities in academia and industry and to create the new generation of excellent, creative and risk-taking researchers and engineers. This goal will be achieved by a unique, internationally renowned, interdisciplinary and inter-sectorial network of academic and non-academic beneficiaries and partners providing both formal (workshop-style) and informal (hands-on) research training in a most stimulating professional environment, non-academic placements and scientific conferences.



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