RRMAP | Riemann-Roch and motives for arithmetic problems

Our project “Riemann-Roch and Motives for Arithmetic Problems” aims to develop techniques in the area of Motives and the Riemann-Roch to attack arithmetic problems. To be more concrete we aim to attack:

- The integral Riemann-Roch: At SGA VI Grothendieck developed his landmark Riemann-Roch result stating an integral version of it as an open question. Later on, research of Fulton, MacPherson and Pappas raised Grothendieck original conjecture to a more complete statement related to traces, which is known today only in the complex geometric setting. We aim to prove this conjecture in its full generality.

-The discrete Riemann-Roch: At SGA5 Grothendieck proved his wellknown Ogg-Shafarevich formula computing the Euler characteristic of a constructible sheaf over curve in terms of the genus, the Swan conductor and therank. This formula plays a central role in the original strategy to prove the Weyl conjectures. Grothendieck also conjectured that this formula would fit into a Riemann-Roch type theorem for the K-group of étale constructible sheaves and general schemes, which he called the “discrete Riemann-Roch”. We aim to attack this theorem from the motivic point of view.

-Intersection theory in the arithmetic setting: A major objective of Algebraic Geometry is to define a product algebraic cycles for
in the arithmetic setting. So far, this product has being defined with rational coefficients. The first definition, due to Gillet-Soulé, was achieved throughout the Adam’s operations, the Adams Riemann-Roch and the
Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch. We aim to explore some of Gillet-Soulé’s ideas and the arithmetic bivariant integral version of the Riemann-Roch to explore a definition of the intersection product of cycles after killing certain torsion on the Chow groups related to the codimension of the cycle
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/897784
Start date: 01-01-2021
End date: 31-12-2022
Total budget - Public funding: 172 932,48 Euro - 172 932,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Our project “Riemann-Roch and Motives for Arithmetic Problems” aims to develop techniques in the area of Motives and the Riemann-Roch to attack arithmetic problems. To be more concrete we aim to attack:

- The integral Riemann-Roch: At SGA VI Grothendieck developed his landmark Riemann-Roch result stating an integral version of it as an open question. Later on, research of Fulton, MacPherson and Pappas raised Grothendieck original conjecture to a more complete statement related to traces, which is known today only in the complex geometric setting. We aim to prove this conjecture in its full generality.

-The discrete Riemann-Roch: At SGA5 Grothendieck proved his wellknown Ogg-Shafarevich formula computing the Euler characteristic of a constructible sheaf over curve in terms of the genus, the Swan conductor and therank. This formula plays a central role in the original strategy to prove the Weyl conjectures. Grothendieck also conjectured that this formula would fit into a Riemann-Roch type theorem for the K-group of étale constructible sheaves and general schemes, which he called the “discrete Riemann-Roch”. We aim to attack this theorem from the motivic point of view.

-Intersection theory in the arithmetic setting: A major objective of Algebraic Geometry is to define a product algebraic cycles for
in the arithmetic setting. So far, this product has being defined with rational coefficients. The first definition, due to Gillet-Soulé, was achieved throughout the Adam’s operations, the Adams Riemann-Roch and the
Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch. We aim to explore some of Gillet-Soulé’s ideas and the arithmetic bivariant integral version of the Riemann-Roch to explore a definition of the intersection product of cycles after killing certain torsion on the Chow groups related to the codimension of the cycle



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