ROBOTTOPES | The momentum polytopes of nonholonomic systems

The plan of the project is to extend momentum polytope theory for the standard momentum mapping three different scenarios: (1) the case of contact hamiltonian systems; (2) the mathematical description of nonholonomic (robotic) systems and (3) multisymplectic field theories. The state of the art of research on momentum polytopes has been primarily focussed on the theoretical aspects rather than interdisciplinary research and applications, so this work will open up new grounds of research. The study of general multisymplectic manifolds is not only crucial to understand dynamics but is also of great independent interest e.g. for the quantisation of mechanics or field theories.
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Start date: 16-09-2020
End date: 15-09-2022
Total budget - Public funding: 160 932,48 Euro - 160 932,00 Euro
Cordis data

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The plan of the project is to extend momentum polytope theory for the standard momentum mapping three different scenarios: (1) the case of contact hamiltonian systems; (2) the mathematical description of nonholonomic (robotic) systems and (3) multisymplectic field theories. The state of the art of research on momentum polytopes has been primarily focussed on the theoretical aspects rather than interdisciplinary research and applications, so this work will open up new grounds of research. The study of general multisymplectic manifolds is not only crucial to understand dynamics but is also of great independent interest e.g. for the quantisation of mechanics or field theories.



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