App-Marie | Studying the combined effect of microplastics, pesticides and global warming on the sea urchin: a multidisciplinary approach to protect marine ecosystems

Urgent actions are needed to recover marine ecosystems from damage caused by human activities. The global aim of App-Marie is to study the joint effects of microplastics (MPs) and the chemical chlorpyrifos (CPF), two of the main stressors in our oceans, in different scenarios of climate change, using embryos of the sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus). This will be achieved by combining molecular and biochemical techniques together with bioassays that will allow to assess their impact at a molecular, individual and population levels. We also aim to develop a standard protocol for performing bioassays to simultaneously test several toxics/stressors and apps able to analyse multifactorial data obtained and to predict their impact at the different levels of organization. The project will be carried out by Dr Bertucci in a highly recognized institution, Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO), under the supervision of Dr Bellas. Additionally, two international companies with great experience in the fields of energy and petrochemistry (Shell) and plastics (AIMPLAS) will act as collaborators providing their guidance to ensure the deliverables of the project meet the requirements to be used by industries. Dr Bellas is an international leader in marine contamination and MP pollution, ensuring an outstanding training environment for the ER. On the other hand, the deep background in comparative endocrinology and molecular biology of the ER will ensure the two-way transfer of knowledge. While completing the project, the ER will acquire diverse state-of-the-art skills and interact with international industries, expanding his scientific and personal horizons to become an independent researcher. All resources arising from App-Marie (protocols, apps) will be used to create a research framework of special interest for researchers/companies/governments to analyse and share their own data, ultimately helping decision making towards the best Approach to Protect the Marine Ecosystems.
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Start date: 01-04-2022
End date: 21-07-2024
Total budget - Public funding: 172 932,48 Euro - 172 932,00 Euro
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Urgent actions are needed to recover marine ecosystems from damage caused by human activities. The global aim of App-Marie is to study the joint effects of microplastics (MPs) and the chemical chlorpyrifos (CPF), two of the main stressors in our oceans, in different scenarios of climate change, using embryos of the sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus). This will be achieved by combining molecular and biochemical techniques together with bioassays that will allow to assess their impact at a molecular, individual and population levels. We also aim to develop a standard protocol for performing bioassays to simultaneously test several toxics/stressors and apps able to analyse multifactorial data obtained and to predict their impact at the different levels of organization. The project will be carried out by Dr Bertucci in a highly recognized institution, Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO), under the supervision of Dr Bellas. Additionally, two international companies with great experience in the fields of energy and petrochemistry (Shell) and plastics (AIMPLAS) will act as collaborators providing their guidance to ensure the deliverables of the project meet the requirements to be used by industries. Dr Bellas is an international leader in marine contamination and MP pollution, ensuring an outstanding training environment for the ER. On the other hand, the deep background in comparative endocrinology and molecular biology of the ER will ensure the two-way transfer of knowledge. While completing the project, the ER will acquire diverse state-of-the-art skills and interact with international industries, expanding his scientific and personal horizons to become an independent researcher. All resources arising from App-Marie (protocols, apps) will be used to create a research framework of special interest for researchers/companies/governments to analyse and share their own data, ultimately helping decision making towards the best Approach to Protect the Marine Ecosystems.



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