P-SPHERE | Opening Sphere UAB-CEI to PostDoctoral Fellows

Presented by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) as beneficiary, the project is part of a broader initiative named Sphere UAB-Campus of International Excellence (Sphere UAB-CIE) which aims at establishing a future pole for innovation by enhancing the integration of the R&D&I centres settled in the UAB campus and its surrounding. Seven partner institutions, members of Sphere UAB-CIE will be contributing to the co-financing and hiring fellows. Additionally other institutions will participate in the training and secondment activities.

The programme P-SPHERE programme will offer 3 years fellowships to a total of 48 fellows which will have the opportunity to develop their researcher’s careers in an exceptional environment.
The P-SPHERE programme is articulated around five multidisciplinary research domains, including transversal technologies: Food, Health, Smart and Sustainable Cities, Cultural Heritage and Materials & Energy.
This fellowship programme is expected to contribute to realising the full potential of the recruited researchers and to add significantly to the development of their careers in the academic and non-academic sectors.
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/665919
Start date: 01-10-2015
End date: 30-11-2020
Total budget - Public funding: 10 195 200,00 Euro - 5 097 600,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

Presented by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) as beneficiary, the project is part of a broader initiative named Sphere UAB-Campus of International Excellence (Sphere UAB-CIE) which aims at establishing a future pole for innovation by enhancing the integration of the R&D&I centres settled in the UAB campus and its surrounding. Seven partner institutions, members of Sphere UAB-CIE will be contributing to the co-financing and hiring fellows. Additionally other institutions will participate in the training and secondment activities.

The programme P-SPHERE programme will offer 3 years fellowships to a total of 48 fellows which will have the opportunity to develop their researcher’s careers in an exceptional environment.
The P-SPHERE programme is articulated around five multidisciplinary research domains, including transversal technologies: Food, Health, Smart and Sustainable Cities, Cultural Heritage and Materials & Energy.
This fellowship programme is expected to contribute to realising the full potential of the recruited researchers and to add significantly to the development of their careers in the academic and non-academic sectors.



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