HUGS | HUmins as Green and Sustainable precursors of eco-friendly building blocks and materials

The HUGS concept ( HUmins as Green and Sustainable precursors of eco-friendly materials and biofuels) discloses an integrated multidisciplinary EID proposal with involvement of high-tech SME’s two research centers and 3 world class universities in the area of biorefinery. All partners have been chosen by their complementary expertise and their extensive experience in supervising PhD programs and coordinating international scientific projects. The proposed methodology and approach focuses on side-stream valorization of FDCA/PEF polyester production process developed by Avantium. HUGS aims to provide breakthrough knowledge combined with an excelling training program on humin by-products by implementing work packages which will respectively focus on side streams to building blocks; building blocks to composites; safety and toxicity aspects; training and dissemination activities and management, communication and public engagement. 5 PhD are envisaged to be recruited to reach these ambitious goals with regards to multidisciplinary training and beyond stateof-the-art research. Each PhD will be seconded at the company as well as between the collaborating universities aiming to develop a number of essential leadership, entrepreneurial, communication and scientific skills in program fellows. All
partners will organize week-long dedicated training courses in their field of expertise (homo- & heterogeneous catalysis, physico-chemical polymer analyses, toxicity and safety, IPR, techno-economic evaluation) over the total duration of the project. The proposed research is novel and highly original which will justify scientific publications in top-ranked journals together with a unique training program. PEF is unique in being the first technical superior and 100% biobased plastic to come to the market. The HUGS project as being closely linked to PEF commercialization which it will guarantee maximal
exploitation of the results, communication and public engagement.
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Start date: 01-11-2015
End date: 31-10-2019
Total budget - Public funding: 1 274 464,26 Euro - 1 274 464,00 Euro
Cordis data

Original description

The HUGS concept ( HUmins as Green and Sustainable precursors of eco-friendly materials and biofuels) discloses an integrated multidisciplinary EID proposal with involvement of high-tech SME’s two research centers and 3 world class universities in the area of biorefinery. All partners have been chosen by their complementary expertise and their extensive experience in supervising PhD programs and coordinating international scientific projects. The proposed methodology and approach focuses on side-stream valorization of FDCA/PEF polyester production process developed by Avantium. HUGS aims to provide breakthrough knowledge combined with an excelling training program on humin by-products by implementing work packages which will respectively focus on side streams to building blocks; building blocks to composites; safety and toxicity aspects; training and dissemination activities and management, communication and public engagement. 5 PhD are envisaged to be recruited to reach these ambitious goals with regards to multidisciplinary training and beyond stateof-the-art research. Each PhD will be seconded at the company as well as between the collaborating universities aiming to develop a number of essential leadership, entrepreneurial, communication and scientific skills in program fellows. All
partners will organize week-long dedicated training courses in their field of expertise (homo- & heterogeneous catalysis, physico-chemical polymer analyses, toxicity and safety, IPR, techno-economic evaluation) over the total duration of the project. The proposed research is novel and highly original which will justify scientific publications in top-ranked journals together with a unique training program. PEF is unique in being the first technical superior and 100% biobased plastic to come to the market. The HUGS project as being closely linked to PEF commercialization which it will guarantee maximal
exploitation of the results, communication and public engagement.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.1.3. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)
H2020-EU.1.3.1. Fostering new skills by means of excellent initial training of researchers
MSCA-ITN-2015-EID Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN-EID)