JENNIFER2 | Japan and Europe Network for Neutrino and Intensity Frontier Experimental Research 2

JENNIFER2 is the evolution and development of the research and communication activities currently being carried on by the JENNIFER MSCA-RISE project, which will be concluded at the end of march 2019. The new challenges of fundamental physics require to use different complementary approaches and to design experiments able to test different “messengers” of the new physics world. The JENNIFER2 project is actually implementing this requirement, putting together research programs at experimental facilities located in Japan including accelerator produced neutrinos (T2K and HyperK collaborations), cosmic neutrinos detection (HyperK collaboration) and a high luminosity electron-positron collider (Belle II experiment at SUPERKEKB) where very rare processes can be observed. The collaboration of European scientists with the Japanese research community is fostered in all experimental issues, while specific knowledge sharing among different experiments is planned in the field of photon detection, computing, real time and remote controls, data analysis algorithms and theory calculations, aiming to build up real synergies on key technologies and research methodologies, as well as on dissemination and outreach. Such cross-fertilization between different experimental approaches is the crucial step towards an effective multi-messenger approach.
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Start date: 01-04-2019
End date: 31-05-2025
Total budget - Public funding: 2 461 000,00 Euro - 2 451 800,00 Euro
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JENNIFER2 is the evolution and development of the research and communication activities currently being carried on by the JENNIFER MSCA-RISE project, which will be concluded at the end of march 2019. The new challenges of fundamental physics require to use different complementary approaches and to design experiments able to test different “messengers” of the new physics world. The JENNIFER2 project is actually implementing this requirement, putting together research programs at experimental facilities located in Japan including accelerator produced neutrinos (T2K and HyperK collaborations), cosmic neutrinos detection (HyperK collaboration) and a high luminosity electron-positron collider (Belle II experiment at SUPERKEKB) where very rare processes can be observed. The collaboration of European scientists with the Japanese research community is fostered in all experimental issues, while specific knowledge sharing among different experiments is planned in the field of photon detection, computing, real time and remote controls, data analysis algorithms and theory calculations, aiming to build up real synergies on key technologies and research methodologies, as well as on dissemination and outreach. Such cross-fertilization between different experimental approaches is the crucial step towards an effective multi-messenger approach.



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