ACCELERATE | ACCELERATing Europe's Leading Research Infrastructures

CERIC-ERIC (CERIC) is a distributed research infrastructure for fundamental and applied research on novel materials and biomaterials. The RI has been in operation for 2 years and provides open access to a broad range of instruments and expertise across research communities, in order to support the research community world-wide in tackling the most challenging problems of materials research. The ACCELERATE project is proposed to support CERIC sustainability through activities of collaborative development of policies with other research infrastructures (RIs), in particular new and forming ERIC entities. ACCELERATE will assist sustainability, relevance and effectiveness of the RI through preparation of frameworks for services to private and public entities, outreach to new scientific and industrial networks and geographical areas and a methodology for RI social impact assessment. Together with the RI partners CERIC will also carry out several intense courses for development of future RI managerial, IL and TT staff. The project will be carried out while maintaining vigorous communication with research and industrial communities, policy makers, EC administration and other RI stakeholders.
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Start date: 01-01-2017
End date: 30-06-2021
Total budget - Public funding: 3 325 757,00 Euro - 3 325 755,00 Euro
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CERIC-ERIC (CERIC) is a distributed research infrastructure for fundamental and applied research on novel materials and biomaterials. The RI has been in operation for 2 years and provides open access to a broad range of instruments and expertise across research communities, in order to support the research community world-wide in tackling the most challenging problems of materials research. The ACCELERATE project is proposed to support CERIC sustainability through activities of collaborative development of policies with other research infrastructures (RIs), in particular new and forming ERIC entities. ACCELERATE will assist sustainability, relevance and effectiveness of the RI through preparation of frameworks for services to private and public entities, outreach to new scientific and industrial networks and geographical areas and a methodology for RI social impact assessment. Together with the RI partners CERIC will also carry out several intense courses for development of future RI managerial, IL and TT staff. The project will be carried out while maintaining vigorous communication with research and industrial communities, policy makers, EC administration and other RI stakeholders.



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