RISIS 2 | European Research Infrastructure for Science, technology and Innovation policy Studies 2

The European Research infrastructure for science, technology and innovation policy studies (RISIS2) aims at building a data and services infrastructure supporting the development of a new generation of analyses and indicators. To develop a deeper understanding of knowledge dynamics and policy relevant evidence, the project goes beyond established quantitative indicators, developing positioning indicators, which take into account critical features of knowledge dynamics i.e. the importance of asymmetries in producers, in places and in themes. RISIS datasets are built keeping information on these three dimensions. To exploit them, new services dealing with actor identification, geographical information and thematic foci are developed, as well as semantic analytical capabilities. This project builds on RISIS1 (2014-18), which has demonstrated the relevance of such an approach and opened access to a first set of databases and services. RISIS2 gathers 19 partners aiming to transform the field of STI studies into an advanced research community. This step change is achieved by: (i) developing an e-infrastructure that supports full virtual transnational access by researchers, (ii) providing a vastly enlarged set of services tailored to field-specific needs (for problem-based integration of datasets, for exploring open data, and for supporting analytical capabilities of researchers), (iii) maintaining datasets dealing with firm innovation capacities, public research developments, R&I outputs and projects, and policy learning, (iv) developing new datasets on 4 key issues for research and policy (social innovation, non technological innovation, the role of PhDs in society, portfolios of public funding instruments). As reflected in the strong role of OpenAire in RISIS2, the infrastructure is fully inscribed into the open science movement. It is accompanied by a strong training, dissemination and communication effort to support the important widening of the community we aim at.
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Web resources: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/824091
Start date: 01-01-2019
End date: 31-12-2023
Total budget - Public funding: 8 492 625,00 Euro - 8 492 625,00 Euro
Cordis data

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The European Research infrastructure for science, technology and innovation policy studies (RISIS2) aims at building a data and services infrastructure supporting the development of a new generation of analyses and indicators. To develop a deeper understanding of knowledge dynamics and policy relevant evidence, the project goes beyond established quantitative indicators, developing positioning indicators, which take into account critical features of knowledge dynamics i.e. the importance of asymmetries in producers, in places and in themes. RISIS datasets are built keeping information on these three dimensions. To exploit them, new services dealing with actor identification, geographical information and thematic foci are developed, as well as semantic analytical capabilities. This project builds on RISIS1 (2014-18), which has demonstrated the relevance of such an approach and opened access to a first set of databases and services. RISIS2 gathers 19 partners aiming to transform the field of STI studies into an advanced research community. This step change is achieved by: (i) developing an e-infrastructure that supports full virtual transnational access by researchers, (ii) providing a vastly enlarged set of services tailored to field-specific needs (for problem-based integration of datasets, for exploring open data, and for supporting analytical capabilities of researchers), (iii) maintaining datasets dealing with firm innovation capacities, public research developments, R&I outputs and projects, and policy learning, (iv) developing new datasets on 4 key issues for research and policy (social innovation, non technological innovation, the role of PhDs in society, portfolios of public funding instruments). As reflected in the strong role of OpenAire in RISIS2, the infrastructure is fully inscribed into the open science movement. It is accompanied by a strong training, dissemination and communication effort to support the important widening of the community we aim at.



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