OpenRIs | RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES FLAGSHIP CONFERENCE Enhancing Long Term Sustainability and Opening Up RIs to Society and Industry

Research infrastructures (RIs) are one of the key elements for the development and improvement of knowledge and technology. Long term sustainability has been repeatedly highlighted as the main challenge for European RIs and it will depend on a common understanding and agreement among policy-makers and research managers as well as the industry stakeholders. Building and enhancing scientific excellence is the main prerequisite for long-term sustainability but often governments and industry apply additional requisites for further and future investments in infrastructure such as socio-economic impact, opening up to innovations and markets, attracting private investments and equipping next generation with appropriate and high-qualified skills. Crucial part of the debate on the long-term sustainability of RIs in Europe is the management and enhancement of e-infrastructures, data access and use, and the links to the European Open Science Cloud. Secondly, the development of the ERICs (European RIs consortiums) and engaging governments and national funding agencies in supporting, coordinating and participating actively in them. Last but not least, in the overall discussions for the future of Europe, achieving the European Research Area and the next Framework Programme 9th, is emerging the question on the inclusiveness in ERA and active involvement of the RIs from the periphery of the European continent for increased mobility, networking and competitiveness of all European regions.
In the prospect of the discussions on the proposal of the European Commission on the next Multiannual financial framework and the 9th Framework Program for Research and Innovation, coupled with exploring the opportunities for promoting public-private partnership, the project for a Flagship conference during the Bulgarian EU Presidency intends to provide a platform for discussions on increasing the impact of research and innovation for society and industry.
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Start date: 01-11-2017
End date: 31-08-2018
Total budget - Public funding: 125 000,00 Euro - 100 000,00 Euro
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Research infrastructures (RIs) are one of the key elements for the development and improvement of knowledge and technology. Long term sustainability has been repeatedly highlighted as the main challenge for European RIs and it will depend on a common understanding and agreement among policy-makers and research managers as well as the industry stakeholders. Building and enhancing scientific excellence is the main prerequisite for long-term sustainability but often governments and industry apply additional requisites for further and future investments in infrastructure such as socio-economic impact, opening up to innovations and markets, attracting private investments and equipping next generation with appropriate and high-qualified skills. Crucial part of the debate on the long-term sustainability of RIs in Europe is the management and enhancement of e-infrastructures, data access and use, and the links to the European Open Science Cloud. Secondly, the development of the ERICs (European RIs consortiums) and engaging governments and national funding agencies in supporting, coordinating and participating actively in them. Last but not least, in the overall discussions for the future of Europe, achieving the European Research Area and the next Framework Programme 9th, is emerging the question on the inclusiveness in ERA and active involvement of the RIs from the periphery of the European continent for increased mobility, networking and competitiveness of all European regions.
In the prospect of the discussions on the proposal of the European Commission on the next Multiannual financial framework and the 9th Framework Program for Research and Innovation, coupled with exploring the opportunities for promoting public-private partnership, the project for a Flagship conference during the Bulgarian EU Presidency intends to provide a platform for discussions on increasing the impact of research and innovation for society and industry.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.1.4. EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Research Infrastructures
H2020-EU.1.4.0. Cross-cutting call topics