TROPIBIO | Expanding potential in TROPIcal BIOdiversity and ecosystem research towards sustainable life on land

This project aims to expand the research and innovation potential of CIBIO – Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, through the creation of an ERA Chair in Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems Research (TROPIBIO). Taking advantage of historical and cultural links, the project is rooted on the network of TwinLabs established between CIBIO and institutions from Portuguese-speaking African countries, aiming to support research in biodiversity assessment, conservation and sustainable use, and ecosystem function and services, thereby contributing to achieve the Life on Land goal of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The project builds on human resources and lab facilities supported by previous FP7 CAPACITIES and H2020 WIDESPREAD projects, expanding their capacity to deal with complex research and innovation challenges linked to sustainable development in the tropics. To achieve its objectives, TROPIBIO will develop the following main activities: (i) Upgrade research capacity by expanding the human potential and fostering a critical mass of researchers with inter-disciplinary expertise in tropical biodiversity and ecosystems research; (ii) Consolidate the TwinLab network by strengthening internal communication, enhancing in situ technical and logistic conditions, and promoting collaborative research among institutions; (iii) Reinforce CIBIO’s network of international partnerships at the EU and global level; and (iv) Enhance long-term sustainability of tropical research at CIBIO by increasing innovation potential and impact, and thus the capacities to attract national and international funding. These activities will contribute to the advanced training of human resources, and to the communication, dissemination and exploitation of CIBIO’s research and innovation. Also, they will better integrate CIBIO with the European Research Area (ERA), and foster its participation in EU-Africa cooperation in science, technology and innovation.
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Start date: 01-10-2019
End date: 31-03-2025
Total budget - Public funding: 2 496 831,25 Euro - 2 496 545,00 Euro
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Original description

This project aims to expand the research and innovation potential of CIBIO – Research Centre in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, through the creation of an ERA Chair in Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems Research (TROPIBIO). Taking advantage of historical and cultural links, the project is rooted on the network of TwinLabs established between CIBIO and institutions from Portuguese-speaking African countries, aiming to support research in biodiversity assessment, conservation and sustainable use, and ecosystem function and services, thereby contributing to achieve the Life on Land goal of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The project builds on human resources and lab facilities supported by previous FP7 CAPACITIES and H2020 WIDESPREAD projects, expanding their capacity to deal with complex research and innovation challenges linked to sustainable development in the tropics. To achieve its objectives, TROPIBIO will develop the following main activities: (i) Upgrade research capacity by expanding the human potential and fostering a critical mass of researchers with inter-disciplinary expertise in tropical biodiversity and ecosystems research; (ii) Consolidate the TwinLab network by strengthening internal communication, enhancing in situ technical and logistic conditions, and promoting collaborative research among institutions; (iii) Reinforce CIBIO’s network of international partnerships at the EU and global level; and (iv) Enhance long-term sustainability of tropical research at CIBIO by increasing innovation potential and impact, and thus the capacities to attract national and international funding. These activities will contribute to the advanced training of human resources, and to the communication, dissemination and exploitation of CIBIO’s research and innovation. Also, they will better integrate CIBIO with the European Research Area (ERA), and foster its participation in EU-Africa cooperation in science, technology and innovation.



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Horizon 2020
H2020-EU.4.c. Establishing ‚ERA Chairs’
WIDESPREAD-04-2019 ERA Chairs