NONGAUSS | Twinning in non-Gaussian Physics for Quantum Technology

The NONGAUSS project aims at enhancing the research profile of the Department of Optics of Palacky University (UP) in Olomouc in modern quantum science, intensifying networking with top Quantum Technology laboratories, broadening the applicability of theoretical non-Gaussian quantum physics in experiments, disseminate outcomes to quantum community and communicate about Quantum Technology to general public and young generation. Through the intensified individual training of Early Stage Researchers (ESRs), postdocs and also academic staff in the modern experimental tools and methods of quantum technology (see Section 1.2 and WP1), not yet available in the Czech Republic, NONGAUSS will eliminate the main bottleneck of the expanding theory group in Olomouc and increase its impact within EU.
The project partners, excellent foreign experimental teams at the Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Sorbonne Université (SU) in Paris and the Danish Technical University (DTU) in Lyngby, will provide the required complementary expertise and in close collaboration with UP form a clear scientific strategy to significantly strengthen the tools and methods of non-Gaussian quantum technology (see Section 1.3). These complementary laboratories belonging to a network of EU quantum technology labs will cover the full spectrum of modern optical, atomic, mechanical and solid-state experiments in quantum technology. The NONGAUSS project will combine this training process (WP1) with extensive networking, workshops, summer schools (WP2), expert visits and presentations at international conferences and colloquia (WP3) with knowledge transfer for management & administration of research (WP1), dissemination to broad quantum community and communication to general public focused to young generation and policymakers (WP4). The project will contribute to new experimental proposals, prepare publicly available reviews, and stimulate submission of new EU research grant applications and fellowships.
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Start date: 01-01-2021
End date: 31-12-2023
Total budget - Public funding: 899 625,00 Euro - 899 625,00 Euro
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The NONGAUSS project aims at enhancing the research profile of the Department of Optics of Palacky University (UP) in Olomouc in modern quantum science, intensifying networking with top Quantum Technology laboratories, broadening the applicability of theoretical non-Gaussian quantum physics in experiments, disseminate outcomes to quantum community and communicate about Quantum Technology to general public and young generation. Through the intensified individual training of Early Stage Researchers (ESRs), postdocs and also academic staff in the modern experimental tools and methods of quantum technology (see Section 1.2 and WP1), not yet available in the Czech Republic, NONGAUSS will eliminate the main bottleneck of the expanding theory group in Olomouc and increase its impact within EU.
The project partners, excellent foreign experimental teams at the Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Sorbonne Université (SU) in Paris and the Danish Technical University (DTU) in Lyngby, will provide the required complementary expertise and in close collaboration with UP form a clear scientific strategy to significantly strengthen the tools and methods of non-Gaussian quantum technology (see Section 1.3). These complementary laboratories belonging to a network of EU quantum technology labs will cover the full spectrum of modern optical, atomic, mechanical and solid-state experiments in quantum technology. The NONGAUSS project will combine this training process (WP1) with extensive networking, workshops, summer schools (WP2), expert visits and presentations at international conferences and colloquia (WP3) with knowledge transfer for management & administration of research (WP1), dissemination to broad quantum community and communication to general public focused to young generation and policymakers (WP4). The project will contribute to new experimental proposals, prepare publicly available reviews, and stimulate submission of new EU research grant applications and fellowships.



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